(要 YEP_BattleSysATB.js)敵のATBゲージを表示するプラグイン – YEP_X_VisualATBGauge.js

(Requires YEP_BattleSysATB.js) Provides a visible ATBgauge for your enemies!

This plugin requires YEP_BattleEngineCore and YEP_X_BattleSysATB.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_BattleEngineCore and
YEP_X_BattleSysATB in the plugin list.

This plugin will show the ATB Gauge for enemies if the current battle system
is ATB. The gauges can be shown either below or above the enemies.


The following are some notetags you can use to adjust the appearance of
the enemy's ATB Gauge.

Enemy Notetags:
<Show ATB Gauge>
<Hide ATB Gauge>
This will cause the ATB Gauge to be shown or hidden ignoring the default
settings found in the parameters.

<ATB Gauge Width: x>
This allows you to set the enemy's ATB Gauge width to x instead of having
it match the enemy's battler graphic width.


Version 1.03:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.02:
- Optimization update.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a graphical issue to synchronize the opacity value with battlers!

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param Show Gauges
desc Show individual gauges?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Minimum Gauge Width
desc This is the minimum width in pixels for ATB Gauges.
default 144

param Always Show
desc Always show ATB Gauge or hide them during actions?
HIDE - false SHOW - true
default true

param Gauge Position
desc Where do you wish to show the ATB gauge?
BELOW - false ABOVE - true
default false

param Y Buffer
desc How much do you wish to shift the gauge Y position?
default -32

param Use Thick Gauges
desc Use the thick gauges provided by this plugin?
Default - false Thick - true
default true


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_VisualATBGauge.js