クリティカルダメージの働き方を変更 – MrTS_CriticalDamage.js

Changes how critical damage works
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.1

Actor/Enemy Tags
For actors which have their base Critical Damage Multiplier different from
one defined in plugin parameter.
Can't be negative number.
<CritMultiplier: [FLOAT]>

<CritMultiplier: 5.0>
<CritMultiplier: 1.7>

Class Tags
For classes which have their base Critical Damage Multiplier differenet from
one defined in plugin paramater or actor tags.
Can't be negative number.
<CritMultiplier: [FLOAT]>

<CritMultiplier: 1.3>
<CritMultiplier: 2.1>

State Tags
While character has the state and it has the following tag in it, it'll increase
character's crit damage multiplier by that amount.
If number is negative, it'll decrease multiplier by that amount instead.
<CritMultiplier: [FLOAT]>

<CritMultiplier: 0.2>
<CritMultiplier: -1.0>

Equipment Tags
While actor has item equipped and it has the following tag in it, it'll increase
character's crit damage multiplier by that amount.
If number is negative, it'll decrease multiplier by that amount instead.
<CritMultiplier: [FLOAT]>

<CritMultiplier: 0.1>
<CritMultiplier: -0.7>

Version History
1.1 - Critical damage won't go lower than normal damage anymore.
1.0 - Release
param Base Multiplier
desc Starting multiplier for critical hits. 2.0 = 200%, 1.5 = 150%
Default: 2.0
default 2.0

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_CriticalDamage.js