通貨やアイテムを受け取るための報酬ボード – MrTS_Pickboard.js

Reward board that takes currency or items to pick from.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.1

All images go into img\system folder!

pick_tileEmpty.png - Empty tile image, 48x48 pixels
pick_tileUnknown.png - Unrevealed tile image, 48x48 pixels
pick_Cursor.png - Cursor, 48 pixels height, (48Cursor Frames) pixels width
pick_Background.png - default background, as big as the screen

Plugin Calls
Pickboard Start [Board ID] [X] [Y] - creates empty board with X Y dimensions
Pickboard Reset [Board ID] - resets board of ID to empty state
Pickboard IsComplete [Board ID] [Switch ID] - Saves answer to a switch
Pickboard AddReward [Board ID] [RewardType] [ID] [Amount] [Tiles] [IconID]
Pickboard SetPrice [Board ID] [PriceType] [ID] [Amount] [IconID]
Pickboard Enter [Board ID] - go the scene with pickboard of ID
Pickboard SetBackground [Board ID] [ImageName] - Changes background of pickboard
Pickboard OpenTiles [Board ID] [NumberOfTiles] - opens a number of tiles

[Board ID] - ID of the board you're changing
[X] - Width of the board
[Y] - Height of the board
[Switch ID] - ID of the switch to save board's state
[RewardType] - a, w, i, g, v - armor, weapon, item, gold, variable
[PriceType] - a, w, i, g, v - armor, weapon, item, gold, variable
[ID] - ID of item, if [Type] is gold -- then ID is irrelevant
[Amount] - How much should be reward if adding it or taken if setting price
[Tiles] - How many tiles on board has this reward
[IconID] -OPTIONALchanges any item, weapon, armor, variable id to a new one

Example calls:
Pickboard Start 3 5 5
Pickboard Reset 3
Pickboard IsComplete 3 173
Pickboard AddReward 3 a 4 1 5
Pickboard AddReward 3 g 0 1000 10
Pickboard AddReward 3 i 1 5 7
Pickboard SetPrice 3 i 5 1
Pickboard Enter 3

Version History
1.1 - Variables added as reward choice or price choice.
- Able to change any item, gold or variable displayed icon ID for any board.
- Added transparency option for reward window background.
- Added command to add different backgrounds to different pickboards.
- Added option to not have a background by default.
- Now the board is revealed if there's no more rewards to pick.
- Added a new command to reveal X random tiles on the board.
1.0 - Release
param Gold Icon Id
desc Icon ID for drawing gold on reward tiles.
Default: 313
default 313

param Variable Icon Id
desc Default icon ID for drawing variables on reward tiles.
Default: 222
default 222

param Cursor Offset X
desc By how many pixels is the cursor offset in X axis?
Default: 0
default 0

param Cursor Offset Y
desc By how many pixels is the cursor offset in Y axis?
Default: 0
default 0

param Display Board Window
desc Display Board Window's Background? True/False
Default: True
default True

param Display Cost Window
desc Display Cost Window's Background? True/False
Default: True
default True

param Display Scene Background
desc If disabled will show usual map background unless specified.
Default: True
default True

param Pick Get Sound
desc Sound name to play when picking.
Default: Coin
default Coin

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_Pickboard.js