強調表示されている項目に応じて、異なる画像が表示されます – Galv_ChoicePictures.js

Displays different pictures depending on which choice is highlighted.
Galv's Choice Pictures
This plugin allows you to set up pictures that can display when certain
choices are highlighted. To do this, you need to add a tag to each choice
in a 'Show Choices' event command.

<p:imageName,x,y> imageName is the image name from /img/pictures/
x,y is the screen x,y location based on the
center origin of the image.

This will create images using the image id specified in the plugin settings
meaning it will replace any picture you created previsouly using that id.
param Choice Picture Id
desc The "Picture Id' that will be used when displaying choice pictures.
default 1

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-whateverother/#post-1940