「テキストを表示」メッセージの外観を変更する設定と、メッセージをフローティングにするプラグイン – GALV_MessageStyles.js

Settings to change how your "Show Text" messages look as well as code to make them floating.
Galv's Message Styles
The main purpose of this plugin is to allow your "Show Text" message boxes
to have a different style to other windows in the game. The plugin settings
have a variety of visual settings you can tweak, and in addition using a
text code in Show Text messages will allow you to turn that message into a
floating message.
CODE to use in SHOW TEXT message
The following code MUST be put in the first line of a message to work.


x = event Id - to target an event on the map
0 to target the event the Show Text command is used it
-1,-2,-3,-4... negative numbers to target followers in those postions
a1,a2,a3, etc... to target a specific actor IF they are a follower. If
not a follower, the message will not display
x,y to target SCREEN pixel position

\pop[23] targets event 23
\pop[-3] targets the 3rd follower in your follower lineup
\pop[a8] targets actor 8, only if the actor is a follower on the map
\pop[200,200] targets screen position at 200px X and 200px Y

SCRIPT call to change windowskin and arrow graphic
Galv.Mstyle.img('window','arrow',r); Change windowskin image and the
arrow graphic. Use 0 to leave
existing graphic.
r = true or false if you want
the skin/arrow to change only
when message window is closed

Galv.Mstyle.img('Window1','Arrow1'); Change windowskin to Window1.png
and arrow graphic to Arrow1.png
Galv.Mstyle.img(0,'Arrow1'); Don't change windowskin, only
change arrow graphic to Arrow1.png
Galv.Mstyle.img('Window2',0,true); Don't change arrow graphic, only
windowskin graphic to Window2.png
also, this will only do the change
when the window is closed.
param Input Indicator
desc pos,x,y - pos is a direction number (numpad). 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9.
default 2,0,-12

param Indicator Zoom
desc The zoom % of the message indicator and message arrows.
default 100%
default 100

param Message Padding
desc Adds padding around the text in the message box... top,right,bottom,left
default 0,0,0,0

param Message Windowskin
desc Windowskin file from /img/system/ to use for all Show Text messages
Default: Window
default Window

param Other Windowskins
desc List windowskin names (separated by commas without spaces) that you want to cache for use in your game.
default Window1,Window2,Window3

param Arrow Graphic
desc Image from /img/system/ that is used to point at the target of a floating message box. Leave blank for none.
default WindowArrow

param Other Arrow Graphics
desc List arrow graphics (separated by commas without spaces) that you want to cache for use in your game.
default WindowArrow1,WindowArrow2,WindowArrow3

param Windowskin Back Opacity
desc The opacity of the window background.
0 - 255
default 192

param Y Offset
desc How far away from the event/actor the message box will appear in pixels
default 60

param Font
desc Name of the font to use for just message box and choice box. Leave blank for default.
param Font Filename
desc Name of the font file located in /fonts/ folder in your project. Leave blank for default.
param Font Outline
desc true or false - if text has outlines on it or not.
default true

param Font Size
desc The size of the font in Show Text message boxes.
default 28
default 28

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1657