さまざまな戦闘機能の拡張が含まれるプラグイン – AES_BattleCore.js

Contains several enhancements for various combat aspects of RMMV.
For terms of use, see: https://github.com/Aesica/RMMV/blob/master/README.md
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aesica

IMPORTANT - NOTE TAGS: The note tags used by this plugin are flexible,
allowing for two different interchangeable formats:
Format 1: <Note Tag: x>
Format 2: <Note Tag>x</Note Tag>
When using eval in note tags (specifically the > sign) the second format is
necessary if you want to avoid closing the tag prematurely.

<Note>value > 5</Note> Eval: "value > 5" (good)
<Note: value > 5> Eval: "value " (bad)

There's also a list-based note tag syntax used by some functions that
consists of key/value pairs and multiple lines:
name: "Aesica" job: "Programmer"
name: "Acisea" job: "Evil Twin"

Multiple groups of parameter sets in this format are separated by a
linebreak. Also, the order each parameter appears in does not matter, and
certain parameters can be omitted entirely when specified:
name: "Fido" pet: "Dog"
pet: "Cat" name: "Socks"
pet: "Potato"

Double quotes are required for parameter values, thus:
name: "Aesica"> Good
name: 'Aesica'> Not parsed
name: Aesica> not parsed

List of crap this plugin can do:


Zone Effects
Certain zones can have effects associated with them that can be applied to
the party, the enemies, or both indiscriminately. They can be set to either
be applied automatically each turn during battle or applied manually in or
out of battle by using the following plugin command:


This applies zone-specific effects to the target group, optionally filtered
by custom note tags present on each target. Tags such as <Metal Armor> can
be used to apply a state like "Magnetize" and deal damage to each target the
tag is found on. Tags are searched for in actors, enemies, classes, weapons,
armors, and states.

Note that each zone can have multiple effects, with each group of effects
being separated by a line break. The value for each property must be
enclosed in double quotes (")

To set zone effects for a particular zone, apply the following note tag
to the zone's note box:

<Zone Effect>
</Zone Effect>

Replace "paramSetn" with one or more of the following parameters:

state: The list of state IDs to apply. Separate multiple states with
commas. If omitted, no states are applied

damage: Deals a specified amount of damage to each affected target. This
is processed as an eval. The value "target" references the current target,
so target.mdf or target.mhp etc. If omitted, no damage is dealt. You can
give this damage elemental properties by adding target.elementRate(elementId)
an/dor physical/magical damage properties by adding target.pdr or
target.mdr, to your equation respectively. See the examples below for details.

animation: The animation effect to apply, if any. Omit this property
for no animation. Note that damage, states, and animations are all applied
instantly at the same time, so keep your animations short.

target: This can be either "party" or "troop" to specifically target
one side or the other, or it can be omitted to target all sides. If
invoked outside of battle, obviously the troop portion will be ignored.

weakness: A note tag that must be present on a target before the effect
can be applied to them. This note tag can be placed on actors, enemies,
classes, equips, and states. If omitted, every unit in the target
party/parties will be affected.

immune: A note tag that cannot be present on a target for the effect
to be applied to them. This note tag can be placed on actors, enemies,
classes, equips, and states. This property can be omitted if no special
immunity effects/items/etc apply.

Multiple groups of states/conditions/animations can be separated by a
line break

Example uses:

<Zone Effect>
damage: "(500 - target.mdf)target.elementRate(2)"
</Zone Effect>
Deals 500 damage to all targets, reduced by their mdf and adjusted by
their element rate for element ID 2.

<Zone Effect>
damage: "100target.mdr"
</Zone Effect>
Deals 100 damage to the target that is modified by the target's magical
damage rate.

<Zone Effect>
state: "5"
</Zone Effect>
Applies state 5 to all targets.

<Zone Effect>
state: "5" target: "party"
</Zone Effect>
Applies state 5 to the party side only.

<Zone Effect>
state: "1" immune: "Oxygen Tank">
</Zone Effect>
Kills all target without an <Oxygen Tank> note tag.

<Zone Effect>
animation: "23" target:"party"
</Zone Effect>
Plays animation 23 on the party when invoked, nothing more.

<Zone Effect>
state: "5, 6" weakness: "Metallic Armor"
</Zone Effect>
Applies states 5 and 6 to any target with the <Metallic Armor> tag.

<Zone Effect
state: "5" animation: "23"
state: "7" immune: "Blessing"
</Zone Effect>
Applies state 5 to all targets and plays animation 23 on each, and any
target without the <Blessing> note tag will also be affected by state 7.

<Zone Effect
state: "5" target: "troop"
</Zone Effect>
<Zone Effect
target: "troop" states: "5"
</Zone Effect>
Both are exactly the same and will apply state 5 to the enemy side only.


<Hide Combat Text>
This note tag can be added to skills to hide the initial-use combat text,
or the skill name if using a plugin like YEP_BattleEngineCore. Pretty


Damage/Healing Formulas
Rather than having to manually input your damage formula into every skill
or item formula box, you can optionally reference these handy functions in
the formula box instead. The advantage of this approach is that it lets you
tweak your formula in one place instead of having to go through every skill
or item individually.

<Damage Min: x>
<Damage Max: x>
<Break Damage Cap>
Allows you to set minimum and maximum damage caps. For example, if you want
all attacks to deal at least 1 point of damage, but no more than 9999 damage,
you can use these settings and note tags to achieve that. The note tags can
be placed on actors/enemies, classes, equips, and states. The highest value
for min and max gets priority... xxx

<Critical Bonus: n>
In addition to being able to change the default critical modifier, individual
actors/enemies, classes, equipment, states, or skills can further adjust this
using note tags. For example, <Critical Bonus: 1.5> will multiply the damage
of a critical hit by 1.5 in addition to the default critical bonus.

Unarmed Weapon Value
This is the value that will be returned by the weaponStat functions described
below if no weapon is equipped. Since it gets processed as an eval, it can
also be a formula. To reference the battler, use 'this' so for example if the
actor's atk is 14:

this.atk2 Result: 28

To reference the stat being queried, use 'stat' so if a.weaponAtk is called,
the user is unarmed, and their ATK value is 14:

stat + 5 Result: 19

To make a monk class that gains unarmed strength while other classes do not,
based on whatever stat is being queried:

this._classId === 4 ? stat : 1 assuming '4' is the monk class's id, this
will return whichever character stat is being queried if the actor is
class ID 4, and a 1 for everyone else.

Function Calls:

Aesica.BattleCore.damage(a.value, multiplier, b.value, optionalVariance)
Where a.value is a.atk, a.mat, etc and b.value is b.def, b.mdf, etc. The
multiplier value is typically used by various skills to make them stronger
(or weaker). If left blank, multiplier defaults to 1 and b.value defaults
to 0. The variance value is optional and only really useful if you don't
intend to use the editor's damage variance field.

Aesica.BattleCore.heal(a.value, multiplier, b.value, optionalVariance)
Similar to the above, however you may want to use a different unified
formula for healing. The variance value is optional and only really useful
if you don't intend to use the editor's damage variance field.

Aesica.BattleCore.gravity(b, magnitude)
For FF-style "gravity" attacks which deal a percent of the target's current
HP based on the specified multiplier. So Aesica.BattleCore.gravity(b, 0.5) would
return 50% of the target's current hp. The <Immunme to Gravity> note tag
can be used to make the target immune (return value 0). This tag can be
placed on actors, enemies, classes, states, or equipment. Note: Be sure
to set the damage formula box's "Variance" field to 0%.

Allows you to apply a variance to a damage or healing result, although in
most cases, this is done for you via the formula box

If the target is affected by state n, it will be switched to the state specified
in the note tag <Next State: x> if it exists.

Cycles through a battler's states, and any specified in the stateIds list with
the note tag <Next State: x> will be switched to the specified state. If no
stateids are specified, then all states currently on the battler will be checked.

Retrieves the specified stat from the battler's equipped weapon (or weapons)
for use in formulas that only factor in weapon strength, which can be used
in damage formulas. For example: a.weaponAtk5 - b.def
If the battler is an enemy, it returns their associated base parameter
instead since enemies don't use weapons

Same as above, but allows the stat to be referenced by its ID. Examples:
a.weaponStat(2) same as a.weaponAtk
a.weaponStat(4) same as a.weaponMat

Allows the reading of extra quasi-stats set via note tags. The following
note tags are used on enemies, actors, classes, equips, and states:
<Stat Base x: y>
<Stat Growth x: y>
<Stat Bonus x: y>
Where x is the name of the stat and y is the value.
- Base: This is a base value, and is added to other base values
- Growth: This value scales with level to simulate stat growth (ylevel)
- Bonus: This value is a multiplier (1.5, 0.8, etc)
The formula is (base + growth)bonus
<Stat Base Charisma: 10>
<Stat Growth Charisma: 0.8>
<Stat Bonus Charisma: 0.5>

Game_BattlerBase.prototype.anyStateAffected(1, 3, 27, ...etc)
Returns true if the specified battler has ANY of the listed states. Examples:
a.anyStateAffected(3, 14)
b.anyStateAffected(27, 28, 29, 41, 47)

Game_BattlerBase.prototype.allStateAffected(1, 3, 27, ...etc)
Returns true if the specified battler ALL of the listed states. Examples:
a.alltateAffected(3, 14)
b.allStateAffected(27, 28, 29, 41, 47)

Game_Unit.prototype.numAnyStateAffected(1, 2, 3, 27, ...etc)
Returns the number of battlers in the specified unit affected by any of the
listed states. Examples:
$gameParty.numAnyStateAffected(2, 3, 5)
$gameTroop.numAnyStateAffected(8, 9)

Game_Unit.prototype.numAllStateAffected(1, 2, 3, 27, ...etc)
Returns the number of battlers in the specified unit affected by all of the
listed states. Examples:
$gameParty.numAllStateAffected(2, 3, 5)
$gameTroop.numAllStateAffected(8, 9)

Here's some sample damage formula box applications of these various functions:

Aesica.BattleCore.damage(a.atk, 5, b.def)
uses the damage formula from the plugin parameters to check a.atk with
a multiplier of 5 vs b.def

Aesica.BattleCore.damage(1000, 1, b.mdf)
checks 1000 damage against b.mdf

1000 fixed damage (doing fixed damage this way is not necessary)

Aesica.BattleCore.heal(a.mat, 3)
uses the healing formula from the plugin parameters to combine a.mat with
a multiplier of 3

Aesica.BattleCore.damage(a.weaponAtk, 10, b.def)
Applies a's WEAPON ATK total to a multiplier of 10 and checks it against

Aesica.BattleCore.damage(a.tagStat("Telepathy"), 8, b.tagStat("Willpower"));
Deals damage based on the user's Telepathy tag stat with a multiplier of
8 vs the target's Willpower tag stat. See the tagStat section for
additional details

Aesica.BattleCore.gravity(b, 0.5)
50% of the target's hp, or 0 if affected by <Immune to Gravity>

Aesica.BattleCore.gravity(b, 0.75) || Aesica.BattleCore.damage(a.mat, 3, b.mdf, 0.2)
75% of the target's hp, or if <Immune to Gravity>, uses the plugin
paramter damage formula with a multiplier of 3 and damage variance of
20% (since you want the formula box's varianace set to 0%)

b.anyStateAffected(9, 10) ? 500 : 1
If b is affected by either state 9 or state 10, deal 500 damage. Otherwise
only deal 1 damage.

b.allStateAffected(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) ? 5000 : 1
If b is affected by state 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 10, deal 5000 damage.
Otherwise only deal 1 damage.

Cycles through b's states, and if any have a note tag indicating a next state:
<Next State: n>
Then that state will be removed and replaced by state n.

b.incrementStates(12, 13)
States 12 and 13 (if either or both are present) will be replaced by whatever
state is specified in their note tags:
<Next State: 22> (on state 12, will be replaced by state 22)
<Next State: 23> (on state 13, will be replaced by state 23)
<Next State: 24> (on state 14, will not be replaced since it wasn't in the
stateIds list)
param Improved Skill Sorting
desc Enable the sorting of temporary skills (added by equips, states, etc) in with baseline skills?
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default false

param Skill Sort Property
parent Improved Skill Sorting
desc Skill property (id, name, etc) used to determine sort order. Default: id
default id

param Combat Formulas
desc Enable the extra combat formula functions provided by this plugin?
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default true

param Damage Formula
parent Combat Formulas
desc Damage formula eval used by Aesica.BattleCore.damage(). See plugin description for more info.
type text
default userStatmultiplier - targetStat2

param Healing Formula
parent Combat Formulas
desc Healing formula eval used by Aesica.BattleCore.heal(). See plugin description for more info.
type text
default userStatmultiplier + targetStat

param Minimum Damage
parent Combat Formulas
desc Minimum damage an attack can inflict.
type number
default 0

param Maximum Damage
parent Combat Formulas
desc Maximum damage an attack can inflict. 0: Disable
type number
default 0

param Unarmed Weapon Value
parent Combat Formulas
desc The value to be returned by weapon stat functions if no weapon is equipped. This is processed as an eval.
default 1

param Critical Hit Multiplier
parent Combat Formulas
desc Critical hit multiplier. Default: 3
type number
decimals 2
min 0
default 3

param Initial TP
parent Combat Formulas
desc Initial TP on battle start when TP is not preserved. Processed as an eval. Default: Math.randomInt(25)
type text
default Math.randomInt(25)

param Battle End Effects
desc Use after-battle effects provided by this plugin?
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default true

param Heal HP
parent Battle End Effects
desc HP healed to living members after each battle. This is an eval (actor.mhp, etc). Default: 0
type text
default 0

param Recover MP
parent Battle End Effects
desc MP recovered for living members after each battle. This is an eval (actor.mmp0.25, etc). Default: 0
type text
default 0

param Extra Death States
desc List of "game over" states besides 1. Separate multiple state IDs with a comma: 42, 43, 666
type text

param Auto-Apply Zone Effects
desc If enabled, automatically applies Zone Effects (if any) to targets each turn during battle.
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default true

param Battle Log Customization
desc Enable the battle log customizations provided by this plugin?
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default true

param Battle Log BG Color
parent Battle Log Customization
desc Customize the color of the battle log window: #RRGGBB
type text
default #000000

param Battle Log BG Opacity
parent Battle Log Customization
desc Customize the color of the battle log window: 0-255
type number
default 64

certain parameters can be omitted entirely when specified:
commas. If omitted, no states are applied
so target.mdf or target.mhp etc. If omitted, no damage is dealt. You can
animation: The animation effect to apply, if any. Omit this property
one side or the other, or it can be omitted to target all sides. If
classes, equips, and states. If omitted, every unit in the target
classes, equips, and states. This property can be omitted if no special

紹介ページ https://github.com/Aesica/RMMV/blob/master/AES_BattleCore.js