自動バトルの背景の追加オプションを提供するプラグイン – BattleBackOptions.js

Provides additional options for auto battle backgrounds.

You can modify the behavior of the default auto-battleback system used by autotiles on non-world maps.
Set the plugin's parameter values according to the images you want to use by default when no other
condition has set a battleback. The plugin defaults for autotiles contain the values used by the
default system, along with an addtional entry for the "Lava Cave" tiles (tiles and backgrounds come
with the default game).

You can further customize the auto-battlebacks used on a per-map basis by putting tags in
the map's note window. With this method you can specify the battleback to use based on either
a map region id, or a map tile terrain tag.

=== Battlebacks via Map Region Id ===
Place the tag <region_bb:{data}> in a map's note box to load battle backgrounds by
map region id.


The data for a <region_bb> tag consists of a simple JSON object with two properties, "backs" and "regions".
The "backs" property value is another small JSON object with properties "b1" and "b2" whose values are the
names of the images to use for Battleback1 and Battleback2, respectively.
The "regions" property value is a JSON array of arrays, where each inner-array holds a game map region Id
and index into the "backs" property value. In this way, a region Id is associated with the index of an
entry in the "backs" property.

=== Battlebacks via Terrain Tag ===
Place the tag <ttag_bb:{data}> in a map's note box to load battle backgrounds by
map tile terrain tag value.


The data for a <ttag_bb> tag is nearly identical to the <region_bb> tag except that the "regions" property
is replaced with the "tags" property, and instead of map region Id values, terrain tag id values are used.
version 1.0.0
license MIT

param Default Battleback1 Name
desc The default image used for Battleback1 when no other image can be found.
default Grassland

param Default Battleback2 Name
desc The default image used for Battleback2 when no other image can be found.
default Grassland

param Default Ship Battleback1 Name
desc The default image used for Battleback1 when figting while onboard the ship.
default Ship

param Default Ship Battleback2 Name
desc The default image used for Battleback2 when figting while onboard the ship.
default Ship

param Default Autotile Battlebacks 1
desc The default image used for autotiles. Same as original game with addition of Lava Cave tiles and backgrounds.
default [{"ids":[4,5],"back":"PoisonSwamp"},{"ids":[24,25],"back":"Wasteland"},{"ids":[26,27],"back":"DirtField"},{"ids":[32,33],"back":"Desert"},{"ids":[34],"back":"Lava1"},{"ids":[35],"back":"Lava2"},{"ids":[40,41],"back":"Snowfield"},{"ids":[42],"back":"Clouds"},{"ids":[1554,2272,3604],"back":"LavaCave"}]

param Default Autotile Battlebacks 2
desc The default image used for autotiles. Same as original game with addition of Lava Cave tiles and backgrounds.
default [{"ids":[4,5],"back":"PoisonSwamp"},{"ids":[20,21],"back":"Forest"},{"ids":[22,30,38],"back":"Cliff"},{"ids":[24,25,26,27],"back":"Wasteland"},{"ids":[32,33],"back":"Desert"},{"ids":[34,35],"back":"Lava1"},{"ids":[40,41],"back":"Snowfield"},{"ids":[42],"back":"Clouds"},{"ids":[1554,2272,3604],"back":"LavaCave"}]

  • MIT License

紹介ページ https://github.com/ReedKimble/RMMV/blob/master/BattleBackOptions.js