メインメニューのデフォルトのアクターレイアウトを変更して、/img/pictures/から垂直画像(バスト画像)または縦画像を使用するようにします – GALV_BustMenu.js

Changes the default actor layout in the main menu to usevertical "bust" or portrait graphics from /img/pictures/
Galv's Bust Menu
This plugin changes the layout of actors in the main menu. The plugin
includes settings that allow you to change the positioning of the actor
data (such as name, level, hp, image, etc.) including how many actors will
appear on the menu screen. (NOTE: 1 actor is not working)

The plugin displays bust images from /img/pictures/ folder based on the
actor's face. For example:
If an actor uses the 2nd face from the "Actor1" faces file, then the bust
will instead use /img/pictures/Actor1_2.png bust image.

Bust Offsets (Scroll down the plugin settings to find this)
Bust images are centered in the actor positions, but sometimes the bust
images are not centered themselves. This setting is used to tweak the x,y
position of busts if required.
To add an x,y offset to busts, add data to this setting as below:


Each image and data are separated by a pipe (the "|" symbol). For example:
The Actor1_2.png bust will be offset 10 pixels to the left
The Actor1_5.png bust will be offset 20 pixels to the right, 5 pixels down
$gameParty._bustActorCount = x; x is number of actors to display
param Menu Actors
desc Number of actors that appear in the menu before scrolling (can be changed in-game)
default 3

param Menu Actor Rows
desc Number of rows of actors (cannot be changed in-game). You will need to change settings below to fit
default 1

param Name
desc Line number of actor's name
-1 to not display
default 1

param Nickname
desc Line number of actor's name
-1 to not display
default 0

param Class
desc Line number of actor's class
-1 to not display
default 2

param Level
desc Line number of actor's level
-1 to not display
default 3

param States
desc Line number of actor's state icons
-1 to not display
default 13

param Bars
desc Line number of actor's hp/mp bars
-1 to not display
default 14

param Show Exp Bar
desc Can be true or false to display exp bar or not
default true

param Exp Bar
desc Line number of actor's EXP bar
-1 to not display
default 4

param JP
desc Line number of actor's JP (If Yanfly's JobPoints is installed)
-1 to not display
default 2

param Exp Bar Height
desc Height of the EXP bar in pixels
default 10

param Show Exp Text
desc Can be true or false to display exp text on the bar or not
default true

param Exp Text
desc Text displayed before the exp-till-next-level number
default Next

param Max Exp Text
desc When actor reaches maximum level, this text is displayed on exp bar
default Max

param Exp Bar Color 1
desc Uses text color numbers from windowskin file. Will gradient into color 2
default 0

param Exp Bar Color 2
desc Uses text color numbers from windowskin file. Will gradient into color 1
default 8

param Bust Y
desc Y position of the bust image in pixels
default 100

param Bust Height
desc Height of the bust image in pixels
default 360

param -----------
param Bust Offsets
desc See the help section for how to use this.
Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-battle/#post-1589