プレーヤーとフォロワーのキャラクターに、アイドル時、歩行時、走行時に異なる画像を適用できるプラグイン – GALV_CharacterAnimations.js

Make the player and follower characters use differentgraphics for idle, walk and run
Galv's Character Animations
To use this script, you will need a character spritesheet for each of your
actors that will be in the party (the full 8 character sheet). While on
the map, the characters will change their appearance within their sheets.
While not moving (idle) they will use the first character. While walking,
they will use the second character. And while running, they will use the
third character.
If you have "Use Jump Graphic" set to true, they will use the forth
character as the jump graphic. The jumping graphic will use each frame in
a different way.
Left = start of jump, mid = middle of jump, right = end of jump

While this is happening, the player's step animation is active (meaning
while stopped, the idle pose will be stepping). This is so you can make
movement in your idle poses.

The settings in the plugin allow you to run a common event after the player
has been idle for a certain amount of frames. (60 frames per second).

The plugin command below can be used to turn functionality on and off.
(For Actors Only)



CHARANIM FALSE Disables the character animations
CHARANIM TRUE Enables them again. They are enabled by default


Event functionality is now also possible for any event with the note tag:


Events will use idle, walk and jump automatically but as they do not have
a way to dash/run by default, you need to use in a move route the script:

this._isDashing = status; status can be true or false

This will make it when they move they will use the dashing pose or walking
id turned on or off respectively;

You can temporarily disable an event's character animation functionality
in a move route using:

this.disableCharAnims = status; true to disable, false to re-enable

NOTE: When exiting/re-entering the map or changing scenes, this will
revert to it's original state. Only use for special event motions for
example in cutscenes for events that have charAnims on.

For events, you can set which poses are used for idle, walk, dash, jump by
using another note tag (the first is still required):

<charAnimSetup:i,w,d,j> i = idle index (0 for first character)
w = walk index
d = dash index
j = jump index

Find the plugin demo for examples!
param Use Jump Graphic
desc true or false. If true, when jumping, player will use 4th character slot in their character sheet
default true

param Common Event ID
desc The common event ID that runs when the idle time expires
default 0

param Common Event Time
desc Amount of frames the player is idle until above common event
is activated
default 0

param Repeat Common Event
desc Can be 0 or 1. If 1, the above common event is repeated
every time the Common Event Time passes. 0 is no repeat
default 0

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1537