マップ文字シートの文字ごとのフレーム数を増やするプラグイン – GALV_CharacterFrames.js

Enables map character sheets to have more frames per character.
Galv's Character Frames
This plugin allows you to make charsets with more than 3 frames per
character. It overwrites a few default functions so it may not be compatible
with other plugins that change charset motions.

To make a charset use more than 3 frames per character, in the filename you
need to include %(x) where x is the number of frames per character in it.

For example, a characterset with 8 frames per character could be named like:

If you are also using my 'Diagonal Movement' plugin, put this ABOVE it.

Frame Speed Modifier
This is an equation for you to use to change the speed that the frames play
at when you are not using the normal amount of frames (3).

The normal equation in RPG Maker default code is:
(9 - this.realMoveSpeed())3;

The equation in the settings of this plugin allow you to create another
equation that is SUBRACTED from the above result. In this equation you can
use the variable 'f' for amount of frames the charactersheet uses.

f0.8 number of frames multipled by 0.5
f / 2 number of frames divided by 2
f0.5 - 1 number of frames multipled by 0.5, minus 1
param Frame Speed Modifier
desc Equation SUBRTRACTED from frame speed (when not 3 frames). See help for more info on this.
default f0.8

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1432