ゲーム中にアクターに特性を追加するか、レベルを上げると特性を取得するプラグイン – Galv_DynamicTraits.js

Add traits to an actor during game or gain traits on level up.
Galv's Dynamic Traits
This plugin allows you to manually add new traits to actors during the game
or to set up actors and classes to give new traits when actors level up.
Actors and classes have notetags that control which traits will be gained
when reaching certain levels and a notification of traits gained can be
added to the level up message if desired.

Customizing the trait level-up text more in detail is possible but must be
done by editing the plugin file and requires a little bit of javascript
understanding to see how it works. Please do not ask Galv to teach you this.

Traits gained at level
Actors and classes can be tagged with the following note tag to specify a
list of traits that will be gained on each designated level-up. You can have
as many lvl,code,id,val traits each separated by |.


lvl is the level that the trait will be aquired at
code, id and val settings can be seen in the below table.

------------------ ------- ----------- -------------
Element Rate 11 elementId % as decimal
Debuff Rate 12 paramId% as decimal
State Rate 13 stateId % as decimal
State Resist 14 stateId N/A

Parameter 21 paramId% as decimal
Ex-Parameter 22 ExParamId% as decimal
Sp-Parameter 23 SpParamId% as decimal

Attack Element 31 elementId N/A
Attack State 32 stateId % as decimal
Attack Speed 33 integer N/A
Attack Times + 34 0 integer

Add Skill Type 41 skillTypeId N/A
Seal Skill Type 42 skillTypeId N/A
Add Skill 43 skillId N/A
Seal Skill 44 skillId N/A

Equip Weapon 51 weaponTypeId N/A
Equip Armor 52 armorTypeId N/A
Lock Equip 53 equipTypeId N/A
Seal Equip 54 equipTypeId N/A
Slot Type 55 0 norm 1 dual N/A

Action Times + 61 0 % as decimal
Special Flag 62 flagIdN/A
Collapse Effect 63 collapseIdN/A
Party Ability 64 partyAbilityIdN/A
ID's generally start at 1 for values that can be seen in the database.
Where there is aabove, the first id in their list is 0 instead of 1.

Where VAL is N/A, simply put 0 in the val position of the notetag/script

Actors will use the highest level trait if multiple level ups have the
same trait (same trait code).
Classes will use the highest level trait if multiple level ups have the
same trait (same trait code).
This means that if an actor has the same trait code as class class's trait
then the actor will use BOTH traits but only the highest from each.

Actors can have traits added to them manually via script calls. Script calls
can also be used to remove these added traits from the actor again (but it
cannot remove traits added via level or from actors/items/states/etc/ from
the database).
Adding traits using this method will replace any previous traits also added
by this method that have the same code. (So only one of each trait can exist
on an actor from these manually added traits).



param Display Trait On Level
desc true or false if trait gains are displayed in default level up message
default true

param Trait Gained Text
desc The text displayed before gaining a trait on level up
default Gained Trait:

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-whateverother/#post-1917