イベントの自己切り替え、切り替え、および変数を制御できる擬似タイマーを有効にするプラグイン – GALV_EventSpawnTimers.js

Enable psuedo-timers that can control event self-switches, switches and variables.
Galv's Event Spawn Timers
This plugin allows you to set multiple respawn timers for events and change
switches or self switches when their timer expires.

Just simply creating an event timer doesn't do anything until you call a
script that checks if the timer is up and then modifies the switches in the
way you specify.

The timer checks can be made in event move routes, which means the switch
effect activates once the player gets in range of the events. The reason for
doing this is to allow many timers to exist without causing lag due to many
countdowns running simultaneously.

Timer checks can also be made using a script call any time you need to check
and activate the results of any event timer in the game.



switch = the ID number of the switch OR letter in quotes for self switch
status = true to turn ON and false to turn OFF
forceEnd = true or false - when using this, timer activates and ends even
if it still had time left. You can leave this one out to not use.

This is the command that checks if a timer is up and controls the specified
switch to turn on or off for the event the move route belongs to. The
frequency this check is done depends on the movement "Freq" of the event.
this.doTimer("B",false); turn self-switch B off once timer expires
this.doTimer(5,true); turn switch 1 on once timer expires
this.doTimer("A",true,true); turn switch 1 on forcibly NOW!

SCRIPT calls for event commands


mapId = the map the event is on. Use 0 for the current map.
eventId = the event. Use 0 for the event the script call is in.
time = how many seconds until the timer is complete.

This command will create a timer for an event. If it is used while a timer
exists for an event, the latest time will overwrite the old one.
this.setSpawn(12,5,80); set timer for event 5 on map 12 for 80 seconds
this.setSpawn(0,0,30); set timer for this event, this map, 30 seconds


mapId = the map of the target event. Use 0 for the current map.
eventId = the target event. Use 0 for the event the script call is in.
switch = the ID number of the switch OR letter in quotes for self switch
status = true to turn ON and false to turn OFF
forceEnd = true or false - when using this, timer activates and ends even
if it still had time left. You can leave this one out to not use.

This command checks if a timer is up for an event on specified map and turns
a switch or that event's self-switch on or off. This is used if you need to
check and activate an event's timer from anywhere in the game.
this.doTimer(4,7,"C",false); Map 4, event 7, self switch C off
this.doTimer(0,2,9,true); This map, event 2, switch 9 on
this.doTimer(0,2,9,true,true); This map, event 2, switch 9 on, end timer


mapId = the map the event is on. Use 0 for the current map.

This commend does the same as the above doTimer command, except it does it
for all event timers currently running on the map.
this.doMapTimers(2,"B",false); turn self-switch B off when timer expires
for all timer-events on map 2

this.purgeEventTimers(); Remove ALL timers

this.purgeEventTimers(mapId); Remove all timers on map

this.purgeEventTimers(mapId,eventId); Remove specified event timer

This command purges timers as above.

this.modEventTimers(mapId,eventId,amount); mod specific timer

this.modEventTimers(mapId,amount); mod all timers on specified map

this.modEventTimers(amount); modify ALL timers

mapId = the map of the target event. Use 0 for the current map.
eventId = the target event. Use 0 for the event the script call is in.
amount = change timer by this much. (negative reduce, positive increase)

These commands change the time left on specified timers.
this.modEventTimers(2,7,-10); decrease timer for map 2, event 7 by 10s
this.modEventTimers(0,2); increase all timers for the current map by 2s
this.modEventTimers(-20); decrease ALL timers by 20s


mapId = the map of the target event. Use 0 for the current map.
eventId = the target event. Use 0 for the event the script call is in.

This command, used in Control Variables 'script' will return the amount of
seconds the event timer has remaining. It will return 0 if no timer exists.
( なし )
Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-event-utility/#post-1717