釣りミニゲーム – GALV_Fishing.js

Fishing mini game that runs in it's own scene
Galv's Fishing Mini Game
This plugin adds a fishing mini game where the player can catch fish. It's
not plug-and-play and requires a lot of setting up. Make sure to read all
the plugin settings as they contain a lot of options you can tweak.

The demo has examples of the mini game setup and working, however it is up
to you as a developer to trial and error and decide on the best rod strength
as well as fish pull strength and detect/take to use to balance it for your


1. New folder
A new folder is required in your project: /img/fishing/
This is where graphics related to fishing are kept. Use the images in the
plugin demo or as templates to create your own.

2. Fishing spots aka ponds
The mini game works by using an event that contains a bunch of script calls
that can randomly build a list of fish that will appear in the fishing spot.
Once the fish list script calls have run, then the script call to run the
fishing mini game is used.

3. Creating fish
In the plugin settings there are a lot of listings to use to create fish
with different attributes. Each fish has a number (eg. Fish 1) and this
number will be used when choosing which fish to add to a pond.
NOTE: These "Fish" can be used for any object under the water such as
chests, rocks, monsters. They are all classified as "Fish".

The fish settings are separated by commas, and in case of settings with
multiple values those values are separated by a |.


img = the image used from /img/fishing/ folder. (Fish can be any size)
spd = the swim speed of the fish.
pull = the higher their pull, the more difficult it is to reel in and
the quicker the line will break. Stronger rods will be able to
pull in fish with a higher pull more easily.
move = A number to determine how the fish moves.
-1 unmovable - use for things like rocks to snag the line
- will constantly stress the line when reeling in
0 inanimate - used for things like chests or quest items
- will constantly stress the line when reeling in
- will move to their starting Y position if pulled
- away from it (eg. sink if starts at bottom)
1 passive - normal fish movement
- will stress the line only when fish is pulling
2 erratic - fish changes direction more often
will stress the line only when fish is pulling
lvl = low|high - where the fish can swim. 10 = ground, 0 = water surface
eg: 0|10
x = 0 far left, 10 far right, -1 for random.
the fish will start in this x position.
item = the item id that will be gained if the fish is caught
baits = id|id|id - a list of bait id's that the fish will eat.
It will ignore any other bait that doesn't have one of those id's
eg: 3|5|6|10
range = detect|take - detect is the distance from bait a fish will notice
take is the distance from bait a fish will bite
eg: 20|2
stats = true or false if fish is to display in stats window
length = low|high - For fish stats - A random number between low & high
eg: 40|80
weight = low|high - For fish stats - A random number between low & high
eg: 10|23
ctxt = text displayed instead of the item name when catching a fish and
when displayed in the fish stat scene.
cevent = When this fish is caught, it will exit fishing and run common event
anim = animation id played instead of default when caught

4. Fishing
In order to cast a rod and start fishing, the player must equip both a rod
and a bait. These are items with certain notetags (further down). Rods can
have a power value to make them faster or better at reeling fish in and bait
has a sink speed and baitId that is used to determine what fish will eat it.

When reeling in, the player can hold down the 'ok' button or the right
arrow. Reeling a fish in that is pulling on the line causes the line stress
and the player must manage the stress of the line by trying not to reel
while the fish is pulling the opposite direction. Once a fish is pulled all
the way to the right and at the surface of the pond, it is caught and the
player obtains the specified item and the fish's stats are recorded.

5. Spritesheets
The fishing rod spritesheet uses a bunch of rows to show fishing.
1. Standing idle
2. Casting
3. Reeling in (normal)
4. Not reeling (normal)
5. Reeling in (while fish pulling)
6. Not reeling (while fish pulling)

The fish spritesheets (remember 'fish' is a term for all objects here)
uses 4 frames in a single row to animate.

The splash spritesheet works the same but uses 5 frames

The casting spritesheet works the same but frames are specified in the
plugin settings and can be changed to look however you like.

6. Fish Stats
Fish are only added to the stats scene if they have their stats setting set
to true. The scene will display the name of the ITEM obtained from a fish
in the stat scene or if no item, the name of the GRAPHIC for the fish.

Fish stats can be obtained and stored in game variables to use in dialogue
during your game. See below in script calls section for that.

Note Tags for ITEMS

<rod:x> specify an item as a rod with x being rod strength
<rodImg:x> image to use from /img/fishing/ folder. Leave out to use
the default rod graphic from plugin settings

<bait:x> specify an item as bait with a number id that is used to
determine which fish will take the bait.
<baitImg:x> image to use from /img/fishing/ folder. Leave out to use
the default bait graphic from plugin settings
<baitSink:x> How quickly the bait sinks. eg. 0.5 is slow, 3 is fast
Defaults to 1 if left blank

Note Tags for ACTORS
If the 'Fisher Rod XY Offset' values do not work for every actor you have
(perhaps you have different size character graphics) then you can use these
two note tags to override the plugin settings for certain actors:

<rod_x:x> override the Fisher Rod XY Offset X value
<rod_y:y> override the Fisher Rod XY Offset Y value


Galv.FISH.hasData(id) checks if the player has caught fish with id


Galv.FISH.data(id,'data') returns data for fish with id. data can be:
'weight', 'length', 'amount'

Galv.FISH.totalCaught() returns total number of all fish caught

Fish added to the pond will remain in the fish list for the fishing scene.
Catching fish will not remove them from the fishing scene permanently, they
will be returned when exiting and re-entering the scene again. You must
clear the pond in order to create a new fish list for the fishing scene.

Galv.FISH.addFish(x,x,x); Add specified fish id's to the pond. Any
amount can be added separated by commas.

Galv.FISH.randFish(id,min,max); Add random amount of a fish id to pond

Galv.FISH.clearPond(); Clears all added fish from the pond.

Galv.FISH.run(); starts fishing scene. Do a fadeout event command
before this for fading transition.

Galv.FISH.viewStats(); view the fish stat scene

$gamePlayer._rodEquipped = x; equip player with item id x for rod
$gamePlayer._baitEquipped = x; equip player with item id x for bait

Galv.FISH.changePond(setting,value); Can change pond settings (below)
default settings:
- 'bg' 'back1' img in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'surface' 'surface1' img in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'under' 'under1' img in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'underOverlay' 'under1_1' img in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'land' 'land1' img in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'splash' 'splash' anim in /img/fishing/ folder
- 'speed' [0.3,0.3,1] [bg,surface,underOverlay] scroll
- 'music' {name:'Field1',pan:0,pitch:100,volume:80};

Galv.FISH.changePond('bg','back2'); change the background image
Galv.FISH.changePond('speed',[0,0,0.5]); change scroll speed for bgs
param --- GRAPHICS ---
param Surface Y
desc The y position of the surface graphic. (surface graphic is 170px high)
default 185

param Fisher Info
desc The position of the fisher
default 730,150

param Fisher Rod XY Offset
desc The offset position for rod based on fisher
default -8,-25

param Default Rod Graphic
desc Image name located in /img/fishing/ for fishing rod over the fisher
default rod
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param Default Bait Graphic
desc Image name located in /img/fishing/ for bait in the water
default bait
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param Equip Slot Graphic
desc The slot image for where bait and rods icons are displayed
default equipslot
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param Rod Equip XY
desc The position for the rod equip slot
default 40,40

param Bait Equip XY
desc The position for the rod equip slot
default 100,40

param No Rod Text
desc Text displayed where equipped rod icon is when no rod equipped
default Rod

param No Bait Text
desc Text displayed where equipped bait icon is when no bait equipped
default Bait

param No RodBait Text Size
desc The size of the above No Rod and No Bait text.
default 14

param Cast Power Graphic
desc Image name located in /img/fishing/ for cast power spritesheet graphic
default castpower
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param Cast Power Frames
desc Number of frames in cast power graphic
default 11

param Cast Pow XY
desc The position for the cast power graphic
default 410,200

param Splash Graphic
desc Image name located in /img/fishing/ for the splash graphic
default splash
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param -- SOUND/ANIM --
param Default Music
desc Music played when in fishing scene
default Field1,80,100

param Rod Equip SE
desc Sound effect when equipping a rod
default Equip1,80,100

param Bait Equip SE
desc Sound effect when equipping bait
default Equip1,80,100

param Cast SE
desc Sound effect when casting rod
default Wind4,80,120

param Reel SE
desc Sound effect that repeats when reeling line in

param Splash SE
desc Sound effect when bait lands in water
default Water1,80,140

param Hooked Anim
desc The animation Id played on a fish when hooked
default 1

param Break Anim
desc The animation Id played on a fish when the line breaks
default 1

param Player Catch Anim
desc The default animation Id played on player when a fish is caught
default 0

param --- MENU ---
param Menu Pos
desc Position of the menu.
default 288,200,240

param Cast Text
desc Menu text for casting the line
default Cast Line

param Equip Rod Text
desc Menu text for equipping different rods
default Equip Rod

param Equip Bait Text
desc Menu text for equipping different bait
default Equip Bait

param Leave Text
desc Menu text for leaving the fishing scene
default Stop Fishing

param Catch Window
desc Position and size of the catch info window.
default 200,160,420,180

param Caught Text
desc If no custom text, this text will be followed by the item name
default You caught a

param Equip Window Width
desc Width of the equip rod/bait window
default 72

param Equip Window Cols
desc Number of bait/rod item icons in a row
default 1

param Length Text
desc The name of what you want 'length' to be called
default Length

param Weight Text
desc The name of what you want 'weight' to be called
default Weight

param -- RECORDS --
param Record Title
desc The title at the top of the records scene
default FISH STATS

param Record Types
desc Text next to info of how many fish types caught
default Fish Types

param Record Total
desc Text next to how many fish have been caught total
default Total Caught

param Record Fish
desc Text next to the largest fish caught
default Record Fish

param Record Fish Number
desc Text next to the number of selected fish caught
default Number Caught

param Record Fish Length
desc Text next to the record length of selected fish caught
default Record Length

param Record Fish Weight
desc Text next to the record weight of selected fish caught
default Record Weight

param Record Scene Padding
desc Padding surround the record scene.
default 0

param Record Fish Y
desc The Y position of the fish displayed in record scene
default 150

param Record Fish Scale
desc The size of the fish sprite in record scene (1 is 100%)
default 1

param --- FISH ---
param Fish 1
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
default Name,5,0,1,2|8,-1,23,1|2|3,30|2,true,140|310,23|52,,0,0

param Fish 2
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 3
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 4
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 5
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 6
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 7
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 8
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 9
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 10
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 11
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 12
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 13
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 14
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 15
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 16
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 17
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 18
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 19
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 20
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 21
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 22
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 23
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 24
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 25
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 26
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 27
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 28
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 29
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 30
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 31
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 32
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 33
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 34
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 35
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 36
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 37
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 38
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 39
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 40
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 41
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 42
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 43
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 44
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 45
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 46
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 47
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 48
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 49
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
param Fish 50
desc img,speed,pull,move,lvl|lvl,x,item,bait|bait|bait,range|range,stats,length|length,weight|weight,ctxt,cevent,anim
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