スキルとパラメーターのボーナスを付与するために “Shards”をアクターに装備するシーン – GALV_MagicShards.js

A scene to equip actors with "Shards" to grant skills and parameter bonuses
Galv's Magic Shards
This plugin creates a new way for players to customize their characters.
It adds a "Magic Orb" to characters, which can have a number of "Shards"
equipped to the orb. During the game these characters can improve the
number of shards they are capable of equipping by adding "Shard Slots".

Weapons and armors can be changed into shards (so they are no longer equips)
using the note tag found further below. All functions of the weapon/armor
will work for the shards including features, stats and equip restrictions.
This means you will need to set the actor up to be allowed to equip the
weapon/armor shard (using features) to be able to equip them in the scene.

Note Tag for WEAPONS or ARMORS:

<shard: n> This classifies a weapon/armor to be a shard
Shards will display in the "Inventory Category" as
well as the Magic Shard scene.
The n is the shard ID, which is used in the external
data/shards.txt file to determine skills gained by
adjacent shards.

Note Tag for ACTORS:

<shardimg: X> image number for the actor's Shard Orb graphic.
Taken from /img/system/ShardOrbX.png. If this tag is
not included, actor will use ShardOrb0.png

This note tag is to be used in the "Skills To Learn" section of the "Class"
tab. It is used to increase an actor's shard slots when the actor levels.

<shard: x> x is the amount of slots added to actor

NOTE: This increase happens whenever this class learns the skill at the
specified level and it is permanent. If the actor levels down and levels up
again, it will increase again. So use only if not doing that stuff.
This cannot increase shard slots more than "Max Shards" setting.


MSHARDS SLOTS ACTORID MOD Changes actor's max shards.
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
SLOTS - command word to change max slots
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable
MOD - positive/negative number to change
the amount of slots an actor has.
v# to use a variable

MSHARDS IMG ACTORID X Changes actor's shard orb image.
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
IMG - command word to change orb img
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable
X - the number of the orb image taken
from /img/system/ShardOrbX.png.
v# to use a variable

MSHARDS SCENE ACTORID Opens the shard scene for actor.
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
SCENE - command word to start scene
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable

MSHARDS LOCK ACTORID X Prevents actor from changing shards.
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
LOCK - command word for locking
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable
X - the slot position to be locked. Dont
include this if you want to lock all
v# to use a variable

MSHARDS UNLOCK ACTORID X Unlocks actors shard slots
Same as above but unlock instead of lock

MSHARDS CHANGE ACTORID X S Change an actor's shard in a certain slot
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
CHANGE - command word for changing shards
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable
X - the slot position to change.
v# to use a variable
S - the shard equip item - letterNumber
eg. w10 for weapon 10
a4 for armor 4
none to remove the shard

MSHARDS REMOVE ACTORID S U Change an actor's shard in a certain slot
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
CHANGE - command word for changing shards
ACTORID - the id of the actor changing
use negative for a party member
v# to use a variable
S - the shard equip item - letterNumber
eg. w10 for weapon 10
a4 for armor 4
U - Unlock shard slot true or false.
If true, the slot that the shard is
removed from will be unlocked. If
false, it will remain the same.

MSHARDS MENU STATUS Change the status of the menu command.
MSHARDS - the plugin command word
MENU - command word for changing shards
STATUS - can be one of the following:

MSHARDS SLOTS 2 3 Adds 3 slots to actor 2 limited to "Max Shards"
MSHARDS SLOTS -2 1 Adds 1 slot to party member 2
MSHARDS SCENE 4 Opens the shard scene for actor 4
MSHARDS SCENE -1 Opens the shard scene for party member 1 (leader)
MSHARDS IMG 1 4 Changes actor 1's shard image to MagicOrb4.png
MSHARDS LOCK 5 1 Lock the first shard slot for actor 5
MSHARDS UNLOCK 7 Unlock all slots for actor 7
MSHARDS CHANGE 2 1 w2 Changes slot 1 on actor 2 to weapon 10
MSHARDS CHANGE -1 2 none Changes slot 2 on party member 1 to empty
MSHARDS MENU disabled Make menu command unable to be accessed
MSHARDS MENU hidden Don't show menu command
MSHARDS MENU enabled Menu command is active and normal
MSHARDS REMOVE 2 w8 true Removes weapon 10 shard from actor 2 and will
unlock the shard slot it came from if locked

With the above plugin commands, it is possible to lock and unlock actor's
shard slots during the game. The settings also include a "Cursed Shards"
section, which you can list all SHARD ID's (NOT weapon id or armor id) that
you would like to be cursed.

A cursed shard, when equipped, will lock the slot it was equipped to. The
only way to "uncurse" is to use the plugin commands above to unlock that
slot. Note that when the slot is unlocked, the cursed shard remains
equipped, but if you unequip it and then equip it again - the curse will
activate once more.

Acquiring Skills through Shard Links
If the setting "Use Links" is true, you can set up "Shard Links" in the
"Shards.txt" file (See below for required details for this file).

A shard link means if you have 2 shards equipped in slots that are next to
each other (adjacent), they are considered linked. The text file contains a
list of possible combinations of SHARD ID's (the number specified in the
notetag you added to the weapon or armor).

The Shards.txt file allows you to add as many combinations as you require
and each combination must be on a separate line in the txt file. Eg:

1,2,8 # example
5,3,34 # example
1,3,9 # Learn Fire

The data above has 3 numbers per line separated by commas:
Shard Id, Shard Id, Skill Id # Notes to keep track
The example: 1,3,9
Means if a shard with Shard Id of 1, and a shard with Shard Id of 3 are
equipped adjacent to each other - they are "linked" and the actor will
learn skill 9.

If the setting "Use Links" is set to true, the plugin requires you to have
a file in your project in the folder you specified in the "Folder" setting.
This is the "data" folder by default. The required file must be named:


For example, this file by default is set to be:

When the "Graphics" setting is set to true, the plugin uses the graphical
version which requires you to have certain graphics in /img/system/ folder.
Below is details about those graphics:

MagicOrb0.png - The Magic Orb image.
- 336 x 336 pixels (Must be same width and height)
- Make sure "Orb Dimensions" setting is this size
- can add additional MagicOrb images with diff number

MagicOrbSlot.png - The image for "slots" around the Magic Orb.

MagicOrbSlotLink.png - The image that appears above the slot on shards
- that have a link in the "Shards.txt" file.

shardBg.png - Optional. Used if "Background Image" setting is true.

Checking if actors have shards equipped
In a conditional branch or script, you can use the 'hasShard(id,type) method
for an actor to check if they have a certain shard equipped.

$gameActors.actor(x).hasShard(id,type) - x is the actor's ID
- type can be 'weapon' or 'armor'
- (including quotes on those)
- id is the equip's databse ID

$gameActors.actor(x).hasShard(id) - x is the actor's ID
- id is the Shard ID (specified in the
- external text file)

-- To check a certain party member you can use:

$gameParty.members()[x].hasShard(id,type) - where x member's position
$gameParty.members()[x].hasShard(id) - (0 for the leader)

-- To check if anyone in the party has the shard:

param Appear in Menu
desc Can be true or false if you want this plugin to add the Menu Command to the main menu or not
default true

param Show as Icons
desc Can be true or false. true will display shard items in the scene as icons without name. False will display as normal.
default true

param Show Only Equippable
desc true or false - show only shards actors can equip in the shard list
default false

param Inventory Category
desc item, weapon, armor, keyItem, none - To display in inventroy category. Make sure to use correct capitalization here.
default item

param Max Shard Slots
desc The maximum amount of shards slots an actor can ever have.
default 11

param Cursed Shards
desc List of SHARD ID's (not weapon or armor ids) separated by commas. Cursed shards lock the slot they are equipped to.
default 666,13,1337

param ----- VOCAB -----
param Menu Command
desc Text for the Magic Shard's main menu command
default Orb Shard

param Equip
desc Text for "Equip" menu command
default Equip

param Remove
desc Text for "Remove" menu command
default Remove

param Gained
desc Text before skills that are added when equipping shards
default Gained:

param Lost
desc Text before skills that are lost when equipping shards
default Lost:

param Empty
desc Text displayed in an empty shard slot (displayed in non-graphics mode)
default >>>

param Level Up Message
desc Message displayed with level ups. Leave blank for none. # will be replaced with number of slots.
default Shard slots have been increased by #!

param ----- SOUND -----
param Gain Skill SE
desc Sound effect that plays when gaining a skill.
default Flash1,80,110

param Lose Skill SE
desc Sound effect that plays when losing a skill.
default Down2,70,150

param ----- IMAGES -----
param Background Image
desc true or false. Display /system/shardBg.png as scene background if true, false shows as normal.
default true

param Graphics
desc Can be true or false. true uses specific graphics from /img/system/ (see HELP for details).
default true

param Orb Dimensions
desc The width and height of the magic orb graphic (pixels), separated by a comma.
default 336,336

param Orb XY
desc The x,y offset for the orb graphics separated by a comma.
default 0,0

param ----- OTHER -----
param Use Links
desc Can be true or false if you want to use the Shards.txt file for link skills
default true

param Folder
desc The folder name in your project that contains Shards.txt file for link skills.
default data

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-scenessystems/#post-1484