アニメーションの使いやすさを向上させ、キャラクタが領域上に立ったときの効果を作成するために使用するプラグイン – GALV_MapAnimEffects.js

Enhance the usability of animations and use them to create effects when characters stand on regions.
Galv's Map Animation Effects
NOTE: This is not a simple 'plug and play' plugin. Not recommended for
those that are looking for such.
If using with a Diagonal Movement plugin, place this one BELOW in the
plugin list.
This plugin adds a few things to do with map effects using animations.

1. Animation settings
Set individual animations to play at certain locations (including x,y or
at a target's position) and not follow the target's movement as the
animation plays. Also enables you to change their z value to appear over
or under map objects and characters.
These effects are done using a tag in the animation name (in database).

2. Region animation effects
Set up regions to play an animation and/or a common even when the player
stands on them. Global plugin settings allow you to set up regions that
will work on all maps and map notetags for effects you only want on a
particular map. With the above animation settings, this can be used to
create effects like stepping in water. Create these in the animation

3. Events work too
You can choose if each region effect animation will also play when an
event stands on it. You can also choose if you want each region effect
to run only on events with a certain note tag OR run on all events
except for those with a certain notetag.

ADVISORY: As this is using animations to play effects, I don't advise using
this heavily. I have tested using many events on my high performance PC and
there was little noticable issue, but I can imagine if you are planning to
release to mobile devices and the like - this might not be a good idea.

The "Region Effects" setting allows you to specify certain regions and an
animation that plays on the character (player or event) that steps on those
regions. The layout of these settings are as follows:

rId,aId,key,ceId | rId,aId,key,ceId | rId,aId,key,ceId

Each region data is separated by pipes (|) and the data inside is separated
by commas.

Region Data Explaination:
rId = Region Id - the region number the effect takes place when stepped on
aId = Animation Id - the animation number you want to play from database
- Make this 0 to not play an animation
key = Restrict key - used to restrict the region to certain things:
a - affects all
p - the player only
e - events only
a+Word - player and events with <w:Word> in its note
a-Word - player and events without <w:Word> in its note
e+Word - only events with <word> tag in its note
e-Word - only events without <word> tag in its note
ceId = Common event Id - a common event that runs when PLAYER stands on the
region. Events do not trigger the common event. Do
not include this or make it 0 to not call event.

7,10,a-fly | 2,9,e+fly | 5,11,p,5
The above setup contains 3 region effects.
- region 7, plays animation 10 for ALL except events with <fly> note/comment
- region 2, plays animation 9 for only events with <fly> note/comment
- region 5, plays animation 11 and common event 5 only for player

In addition to the global regions, you can use the same settings above in
each map's "Notes" box. To do this, use the below layout:

<mEffects: rId,aId,key,ceId | rId,aId,key,ceId | rId,aId,key,ceId>

These settings will only apply to the map they are used in and will take
priority over the global settings.

Settings for animations can be added using a tag in each Animation's name in
the database. The tag and settings are below:

<z,x,y> The tag used to specify z, x and y values of an animation
z - default animations are 8 (above all)
x,y - the x,y position the animation will play at.
Leave these out to follow the target as normal.
x,y can be:
X, Y numbers indicating map position
vID, vID to use variables

<1> animation plays normally at z value of 1
<2,feet> animation plays at z value 2 at the target's feet and
continues to play at that location, not following target.
<4,20,15> animation plays at z value 4 at x20 y15.
<3,v1,v2> animation plays at z value 3 and at x,y postion stored in
variables 1 and 2 respectively.

Note: You can still name your animations and use the tag in them. eg:
Fire 2<2,feet>
Again, use this sparingly and test a lot if you plan to release you game
to slower devices such as cellphones.
param Region Effects
desc Must be set up in a certain way - see help file for details.
default 7,10,a-fly | 2,9,a+fly | 5,11,a

param Followers
desc true or false if region effects appear for follower steps.
default true

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1503