MOVEROUTESプラグインの「ヘルプ」を表示して、使用可能なコマンドを表示するプラグイン – GALV_MoveRouteExtras.js

Additional SCRIPT commands to use within MOVE ROUTESView the plugin "Help" to view available commands.
Galv's Move Route Extras
This script enables users to use commands in the 'script' function of
MOVE ROUTES. The available commands are listed below.

this.jump_forward(x); Jump forward x tiles
this.jump_to(x,y); Jump to x,y co-ordinates on the map
this.jump_to(i); Jump to character's x,y location
i = event id. Make it 0 for player
this.step_toward(x,y); Step toward x,y co-ordinates on the map
this.step_toward(i); Step toward a character's x,y location
i = event id. 0 works for player, too
this.step_away(x,y); Step away from x,y co-ordinates on the map
this.step_away(i); Step away from a character's x,y location
i = event id. 0 works for player, too
this.turn_toward(x,y); Face toward x,y co-ordinates on the map
this.turn_toward(i); Face toward a character's x,y location
i = event id. 0 works for player, too
this.turn_away(x,y); Turn away from x,y map co-ordinates
this.turn_away(i); Turn away from a character's x,y location
i = event id. 0 works for player, too
this.sswitch("n",status); Change self switch "n" to status true/false
this.rwait(low,high); wait a random time between low and high

this.fade(s); s is the fade speed.
Positive fades in, Negative fades out.
this.step_rand(id,id,id); Move randomly only on specified region id's
Multiple id's can be used, comma separated
this.repeat_begin(n); Repeat the next move commands between this..
this.repeat_end(); and repeat_end n number of times

this.set_frame("name",index,pattern,direction) set graphic to a frame

"name" - is the characterset file name
index - the number of the character in the characterset (1-8)
pattern - the stepping frame (1-3)
direction - the direction the event is facing (2,4,6,8)
Once a character has been set to a frame, it wont change when moving
until you restore the character using the below move route script:

this.restore_frame() unlocks the frame chosen in set_frame

Below are a couple of useful codes that work without this script
this.requestBalloon(n); Displays the balloon that has id of n
this.requestAnimation(n); Displays animation that has id of n

this.jump_forward(3); Jumps 3 tiles the direction character faces
this.jump_to(5); Jump to event 5's position
this.jump_to(10,16); Jump to x10, y15
this.step_toward(3); Takes a step toward event 3's position
this.step_away(12,8); Takes a step away from x12, y8 co-ordinates
this.sswitch("A",true); Turns self switch "A" ON for event
this.sswitch("B",false); Turns self switch "B" OFF for event
this.rwait(60,120); Waits randomly between 60 and 120 frames
this.fade(-10); Fades out character
this.step_rand(1,4,7); Take a step randomly, only on regions 1,4,7
this.requestAnimation(2); Shows animation 2 on character
( なし )
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