初めて取得したアイテムの上に「NEW」アイコンを追加するプラグイン – Galv_NewItemIndication.js

Adds a 'new' icon over items that have been obtained for the first time
Galv's New Item Indication
This plugin adds an image over weapon/item/armor icons that have been
obtained for the first time in the game to indicate that it's a new item.
This 'new' image disappears once the player examines it (moves the cursor
over it to see the help text and then moves away from it) in the menu.

This image should be placed in /img/system/ and works best if it is the same
size as the icons (default: 32x32 pixels).

param New Icon Image
desc Image from /img/system/ that will be placed on top of item icons
default newIcon
require 1
dir img/system/
type file

param Icon X Offset
desc Move the 'new' icon horizonatally this number of pixels.
default 0

param Icon Y Offset
desc Move the 'new' icon vertically this number of pixels.
default 0

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1954