プレイヤーにピクセル移動のような錯覚を与えます – Galv_PixelMove.js

Gives the illusion of pixel movement for the player.
Galv's Pseudo Pixel Move
This plugin gives the illusion of pixel movement for the player but tries
to retain all normal tile-based functionality of the game otherwise.

Instead of moving from tile to tile, the player moves on 9 segments within
each tile. Each segment has it's own x,y values that can be referenced
using the below diagram:

2,1 0,1 1,1

2,0 0,0 1,0

2,2 0,2 1,2

Characters cannot move onto the edge of a tile that is adjacent to a tile
that is currently impassable (via map or impassable event etc). This is to
stop characters from being able to be up too close to each other and retain
the tile based functionality.

Not all other plugins have been tested for compatibility with this one. If
I get time I will create compatibilities with popular ones that are not

- Not compatibile with Galv's Diagonal Movement plugin as this one already
includes the diagonal movement plugin with it.
- Default mouse movement has been disabled as it does not work with this.

- events are 1px offset when standing on a certain tile.
- Looping maps currently do not work.
- Followers do not work.
- Vehicles work but travelling in vehicles uses normal tile movement only.


Galv.PMOVE.center(); player steps to center of tile
Galv.PMOVE.center(true); turns to face before stepping to center

$gamePlayer._normMove = true; sets forced move routes on player to
move an entire tile.
NOTE: Center player first so they
are moving from center to center tile
$gamePlayer._normMove = false; forced move routes use pseudo pixel
move distance again

Check player position on a tile SCRIPT
To reference each tile's x,y positions (for example in a conditional branch)
you can use the following in the SCRIPT field:

Galv.PMOVE.xPos(x,x,x) check for list of x values
Galv.PMOVE.yPos(y,y,y) check for list of y values
Galv.PMOVE.pos(x,y) check for exact x,y value

Galv.PMOVE.xPos(0) will return true if player is on one of the
three middle positions
Galv.PMOVE.yPos(1) will return true if player is on one of the
three top positions
Galv.PMOVE.xPos(0) && Galv.PMOVE.yPos(1) true if both of the above
Galv.PMOVE.xPos(0) || Galv.PMOVE.yPos(1) true if either of the above
Galv.PMOVE.pos(0,0) will return true if player is in middle of tile

By default touch events can only be activated after another touch event once
a short delay in frames (time) has passed. This delay can be set in the
plugin settings.
For events that you wish not to set a delay after it's activated, add the
following tag to the event's NOTE field


Diagonal Charsets
When 'Diagonal Charsets' is true, the plugin will change the sprite if the
character is on a diagonal. The diagonal sprite used will be in the position
directly below the selected character graphic. This means that only sprites
on the top of a character sheet will be able to have diagonal graphics and
if an actor or event is set to a sprite on the bottom of a charactersheet
then it will not use diagonals.

See the demo with an example characterset.
param Diagonal Speed
desc % of move speed characters move while travelling diagonally
default 90

param Diagonal Charset
desc true or false if you want to use diagonal charactersets (see help for more)
default true

param Tile Delay
desc No. frames delay before a below character touch event or damage tile can be repeated
default 30

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-on-map/#post-2022