イベントパズルを簡単にするために実装するための関数群 – GALV_PuzzleFunctions.js

A bunch of functions to use to make eventing puzzles easier
Galv's Puzzle Functions
This plugin adds some functions to use that may help with eventing puzzles.

1. Self-switch flipping
Change self switches for any event from any event
Change self switches for events adjacent to other events
Specify turning these self switches off, on or flip them

2. Determine location without having to use Control Variables beforehand.
Test to see if an event or player is at an x,y location
Test to see if an event or player is at another event's location

3. Group switch/self-switch checking
Test to see if a group of specified switches are on or off
Test to see if a group of events have a certain self switch on or off

4. Checking event activation order
Set a combination
Make events add combination values
Check if the player has activated the events in the right order set in the
combination specified.

5. Multiple Item Checking
Check if there are multiple items, armors, weapons in inventory using
code with only one conditional branch.


Used in "Script" event command. The "switch" script call allows you to make
an event turn on or off self-switches of events adjacent to it.

Galv.PUZ.switch(d,s,x,e); d = direction
2 down, 8 up, 4 left, 6 right, 0 under
'4dir' all directions
'front' in the direction the event faces
[d,d,d] specific directions
'event' change specified event only
s = self switch. 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'
x = 'on', 'off' or 'flip'
'flip' changes on to off or off to on
e = specify an event ID. Leave blank to
use the event ID of the current event
Galv.PUZ.switch(2,'B','on'); turn self switch 'B' on for events
located down from this event
Galv.PUZ.switch(2,'B','on',7); turn self switch 'B' on for events
located down from event 7
Galv.PUZ.switch('4dir','A','off'); turn all self switch 'A's off for all
events adjacent to this one
Galv.PUZ.switch([8,0],'C','flip'); flip self switch 'C' for event under
and event located up from this event
Galv.PUZ.switch('event','D','on',5); turn self switch 'D' on for event 5
must specify event Id for this one

The above script call can also be used inside move routes, however you need
to specify an event ID. To get the current event's ID you can use:

Galv.PUZ.switch(2,'B','on',this._eventId); turn self switch 'B' on for
events located down from this

If you do not want an event to be affected by another event's adjacent
switch change, put in the event NOTE field:


2. IS AT
Used in Conditional Branch 'Script' field. The "isAt" function allows you to
check if the player or an event is at the same position as another event or
x,y coordinates without having to use Control Variables beforehand.

Galv.PUZ.isAt(t,e) t = target event Id (or 0 for player)
or [x,y] to specify a target x,y location
e = event Id of the event you want to check if
is at the target's position. Leave blank to
use the event ID of the current event. Use
0 for player

Galv.PUZ.isAt([12,14]) is current event is at x12, y14
Galv.PUZ.isAt([12,14],9) is event 9 at x12, y14
Galv.PUZ.isAt(0,5) is event 5 is at same position as player
Galv.PUZ.isAt(4) is current event at same position as event 4

Used in Conditional Branch 'Script' field. These functions allow you to
check and see if groups of switches are on or off.

Galv.PUZ.selfSwitchesOn(s,x,x,x) s = self switch 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'
x's are event Id's. Check to see if
ALL event's listed have the self
switch letter turned ON. (any number
of event Id's can be used)

Galv.PUZ.selfSwitchesOff(s,x,x,x) Same as above but checks if all
events self switches are turned OFF.

Galv.PUZ.switchesOn(x,x,x) x's are switch Id's. Check to see if
all specified switches are ON.

Galv.PUZ.switchesOff(x,x,x) x's are switch Id's. Check to see if
all specified switches are OFF.

Makes it easier check if events are activated in a certain order to proceed
or succeed in a puzzle.
To do this, first make a script call before your puzzle to set the order
combination (and give it an id to reference it):

Galv.PUZ.setComb(id,v,v,v) id (to reference the combination)
v's are the values to use to create
a combination. (can have any amount)
You can make the values any number or
event id's if you are using automatic
value adding (more on that below)

Galv.PUZ.setComb(4,1,2,3) Combination 4 is: 1,2,3

Next, whenever you want an event to count toward the combination, use this
script call in the activated event:

Galv.PUZ.addToComb(id,v) id is the combination id (you set above)
v is the value you want the script call
to add toward checking if the player has
activated the right order of events for
the combination. Leave this out if you
want to add the event id as an automatic
value instead

Galv.PUZ.addToComb(4,1) Counts toward activating combo 4 with value 1
Galv.PUZ.addToComb(4) Counts toward activating combo 4 with a value
equal to the event's id

Lastly, you'll need to check if the combination has been successful with
a script that can be used in a CONDITIONAL BRANCH:

Galv.PUZ.checkComb(id) true if the player has activated the right
combination set for combination 1

See the demo for example of this.

In default eventing you can use Control Variables to get the number of an
item in the inventory or a Conditional Branch to check if the player has
any number of a certain item in the inventory.
The below commands add ability to check multiple items easier and are all
used in Conditional Branches:

Galv.PUZ.hasItems(x,x,x) x's are item id's, you can check as many
as required

Galv.PUZ.hasWeapons(x,x,x) x's are weapon id's, you can check as
many as required

Galv.PUZ.hasArmors(x,x,x) x's are armor id's, you can check as
many as required

Galv.PUZ.itemAmount(t,id) type = 'item', 'weapon' or 'armor'
id is the item's id
this returns the number of items and can
be compared to a number with code:
== is equal to
>= greater or equal
<= lesser or equal
> greater
< lesser

These can be used together in the same Conditional Branch by separating them
with &&.

Galv.PUZ.hasItems(1,2,3) Check if player has at least one of each item
Galv.PUZ.hasArmors(1,2) Check if player has at least one of each armor
Galv.PUZ.itemAmount('item',1) >= 10 Check if there is 10+ item id 1's
And to check all three together in the same conditional branch:
Galv.PUZ.hasItems(1,2,3) && Galv.PUZ.hasArmors(1,2) && Galv.PUZ.itemAmount('item',1) >= 10
( なし )
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紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-event-utility/#post-1795