外部のテキストファイルにあるスクロール情報を表示するために新しいシーンを呼び出すプラグイン – GALV_RollCredits.js

A plugin that calls a new scene to display scrolling information located in an external text file.
Galv's Roll Credits
This plugin uses external text files to control what text is displayed when
calling a "Roll Credits" style scene. This text file contains tags to set
how text blocks will display (eg. scroll or fade in/out).

Text must be placed inside the following tag and you can have multiple of
these tages in the same .txt file to make each block of text display in
a different way.

your text here

time = amount of time text within tag is displayed before the next tag.
this can be -1 for auto
scroll = how fast the text scrolls. negative for up, positive for down
fadeIn = how fast the tag text fades in (make this 255 to instant appear)
fadeOut = how fast the tag text fades out (255 to instant disappear)
ypos = the starting y position of the block of text on screen. This can
be a pixel value or you can use offtop or offbot to have the text
begind offscreen (so you can scroll it on)
align = left,center or right
image = image name in /img/titles1/ folder to use as background. Leave
this out to use the previous image.

Galv.CRED.start("filename"); filename of .txt file located in the
folder you chose in the settings
if no filename specified or if run
directly using SceneManager.push,
then it will use "Credits.txt"

NOTE: For other scripts, the credit scene is called:
param Folder
desc The folder name in your project where the Credits.txt file is located.
default data

param Skippable
desc true or false if cancel button skips all blocks and closes scene
default true

param Block Skipping
desc true or false if okay button skips current block to show next block
default true

param Title Menu
desc Text that appears in the title menu. Make blank to not show in title menu.
default Credits

param Title Credits Music
desc Music that plays when the credits are run from the title scene

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-scenessystems/#post-1767