タッチまたはクリックできる画面上のボタンを表示するプラグイン – Galv_ScreenButtons.js

Show buttons on screen that can be touched or clicked.
Galv's Screen Buttons
This plugin enables you to create buttons on the screen that can be clicked
and touched to run a script or emulate a button press.

Buttons are given an id that can be used if you wish to replace an existing
button with a new one during the game.



id = the id of the button. Use a unique number for each button.
'type' = can currently be 'map' or 'mapX' with x being map id
'img' = the image name located in /img/system/
x = the x position of the button
y = the y postiion of the button
'actionType' = You can choose one of the following types here:
'button' to emulate a button while button is being pressed
'buttonT' to emulate a button being triggered
'script' to run script code when button is pressed
'event' to run a common event when button is pressed
'action' = The resulting action relating to the actionType
'button' action is used for key press. Some examples:
'script' action is the script call you wish to run
'event' action is the common event id to run
e = A number used for button opacity when events (such as show
text) are running. 0-255. If it is 255 then the button
will stay visible and still be able to be pressed.
Less than 255 the button will be disabled. Leave this blank
for the button to automatically be invisible during events.


$gameSystem._hideBtns = status; status can be true or false to hide
or show all buttons
param Precache Buttons
desc A list of image names from /img/system/ for your buttons you wish to use should be precached
default BtnUp,BtnDown,BtnRight,BtnLeft,BtnOk,BtnCancel

param Disable Mouse Move
desc Disable moving character on the map with mouse click true/false
default true

param Button Fade
desc Speed that the buttons fade in/out when disabling/enabling
default 30

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-on-map/#post-1884