設定した時間が経過してもゲームプレイを停止せず、自動的に終了するポップアップメッセージボックスを画面に表示するプラグイン – GALV_TimedMessagePopups.js

Display popup message boxes on screen that do not stop gameplay and auto close after a set time.
Galv's Timed Message Popups
Creates timed message popup boxes that can appear at a position on the
screen or at a character's location. These popups do not stop player
movement and you can display as many of them at one time as needed.

To activate a message popup, inside a "Show Text" box, you will need to
include a tag on the first line of the message:


target = the ID of an event (0 for current event) OR
x|y screen coordinates OR
negatives for followers (-1 being leader, -2 for second, etc.)
OR... you can use a1, a2, a3, etc. to specify certain actor.
If follower/actor is not in party, message won't display.
time = frames the caption will be displayed before it closes
delay = frames the caption will remain invisible before opening
windowskin = filename of new windowskin located in /img/system/
do not include this to use normal windowskin.

<c:4,160,0> Message on event 4 for 160 frames
<c:-1,60,10> After 10 frames, message on player for 60 frames
<c:-3,80,20> After 20 frames, message on party member 3 for 80 frames
<c:a7,60,0> Message on actor 7 for 60 frames if actor is a follower
<c:0,100,0> Message on current event for 100 frames
<c:100|100,80,5> After 5 frames, message at screen x100 y100 for 80 fr
<c:0|0,90,0,Window2> message at screen x0 y0 for 90 frames using
/img/system/Window2.png windowskin file.

Show Text message box settings for position bottom, middle and top will
change where the window displays over the target.

Note that when the player opens the menu, even messages that were created
with a delay will be removed.


Galv.Mpup.clear(); Remove all message popups on screen

Note tag for ENEMIES and ACTORS
<msgY:x> x being the amount of pixels to move vertically for
timed messages in BATTLE. Leaving this tag out will use
default position Galv set up for default battle.
param Y Offset
desc Offset Y position by this much when popup is displayed over a character.
default -60

param Default Windowskin
desc Windowskin file from /img/system/ that popup messages use by default
default Window

param Use Arrows
desc Use windowskin arrows to point at target of the popup message
default true

param Windowskin Back Opacity
desc Used for all custom windowskins (i.e: not 'Window.png').
0 - 255
default 255

param Text Outline Width
desc Default text has an outline. Change this for all custom windows (not Window.png). default 4
default 0

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-event-utility/#post-1622