マップ上のボタンが押されたときに、ツールを切り替えて使用するプラグイン – Galv_Tools.js
- タイトル
- Swap between and use tools when a button is pressed on the map.
- 作者名
- Galv - galvs-scripts.com様
- ヘルプ
- Galv's Tools
This plugin creates a tool system, where the player can cycle between items
that are designated as tools and press a button to use the tool that is
selected on the screen.
The basis behind this plugin is to allow players to event what happens when
a tool is used, giving the player script calls to use to assist them with
tool functionality. Each tool activates a common event to control this.
<tool:x> where x is the COMMON EVENT id that is run on tool use
<toolimg:x> where x is an image from /img/pictures/ to use for the
tool instead of the tool's icon for the HUD
<label:x> events can have any tag in them which can be accessed
by the tool's common event to determine functionality.
the label can be anything and different for each event
<stopTool> disables tools on event with this comment on active page
eg. use if you change to an empty page to remove an event
Galv.TOOLS.frontEvent('label') detects if an event has a <label> note
on the tile in front of the player
Galv.TOOLS.frontEvent('label',x) detects if label's x value was set
eg <label:x>
Galv.TOOLS.underEvent('label') same as above but same tile as player
Galv.TOOLS.underEvent('label',x) same as above but same tile again
SCRIPT for event SCRIPT calls
$gameSystem.toolBtnDisabled = status status can be true or false
to disable/enable tool hud
Galv.TOOLS.equipTool(id); manually equip tool item to player.
this won't do anything if the player
does not actually have the tool item
Galv.TOOLS.event AFTER one of the above conditional branch script
is used, it stores the event object found in this
object variable. This can be used with a little
javascript knowledge (see demo for examples and
also some below)
Galv.TOOLS.event._eventId the event Id of event tool is used on
can be used in Control Variables script
Galv.TOOLS.event.erase() erase the event
Galv.TOOLS.event._animationId = x; play animation on tool event
I recommend asking or searching forums for more scripts you can use on an
event object.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - パラメータ
param HUD Image desc Name of the image located in /img/system/ to use for the HUD default toolhud require 1 dir img/system/ type file param HUD XY desc The x,y position of the tool hud. default 710,520 param HUD Icon XY desc The x,y position of the tool icon relative to the hud's x,y. default 50,50 param Icon Size desc The width and height that the tool icon/image will display at.
width,heightdefault 32,32 param Initial Zoom desc When swapping tools the icon starts zoomed in this much. 1 = 100%, 2 = 200% etc. default 2 param Number Size desc The font size for the item number display over tools with more than 1 item default 18 param Switch Left desc Button to switch tool left
Default: pagedown (which is L on gamepad)default pagedown param Switch Right desc Button to switch tool right
Default: pageup (which is R on gamepad)default pageup param Use Tool desc Button to use the selected tool
Default: alt (no gamepad button)default alt param Gamepad Dash Button desc Make the gamepad cancel button dash and the previous dash button becomes use tool. true or false default true - ライセンス表記
- Terms of Use
紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-on-map/#post-1877