「選択肢」メッセージボックスの表示方法を、ビジュアルノベルのような外観に変更するプラグイン – GALV_VisualNovelChoices.js

Changes how the "Choice" message boxes display to appear more like visual novels.
Galv's Visual Novel Choices
Displays choices in a more visual novel style. The image for the choice
buttons should be put in /img/system/ folder and should be named:
"VNButtons.png". It is a single file that contains each button one on top
of the other.
The Command Width and Command Height settings control the size of the
buttons while Command Gap controls the space between them. Make sure the
"Command Width" plugin setting is equal to the graphic's pixel width.

The first button image in the VNButtons file is button 0. This is the
cursor image that displays over the buttons. The default button used if
none are specified in the choice option text will be button 1 (below the
cursor image).

Using \b[x] in the choice option text, you can specify a different button
graphic that choice (x being the row number) and the button.

The "Disabled Button" option in the plugin setting is for if you are using
a different plugin that disables choice commands such as:
"Disabled Choice Conditions" by Hime.


$gameSystem.vnChoices = status; status can be true or false
param Command Width
desc Width of the choice commands. This must be equal to or less than the VNButtons.png width.
default 700

param Command Height
desc Width of the choice commands
default 48

param Always Middle
desc Display Choices in the middle regardless of the "Show Choices" window position. true or false
default true

param Message Gap
desc Distance the choices are displayed away from the message window
default 0

param Disabled Button
desc The row number used to display button for a disabled choice (if using a plugin that can disable choices)
default 3

requiredAssets img/system/VNButtons

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-1642