武器に熟練度を設定するプラグイン – Galv_WeaponProf.js

Actors can be more effective when using weapon types they are proficient in.
Galv's Weapon Proficiency
Actors will have a new value for each weapon type in your project. These
values represent their proficiency with each weapon and can give a bonus to
their hit chance and critical rate when wielding them. (Note, critical rate
bonus only applies to skills that can crit).
You can also add code to skill damage formulas to take the actor's weapon
proficiency of the currently equipped weapon into account and use it in the

The actor can increase their weapon proficiencies during the game. A class
can have an inate weapon proficiency as well, but it never changes and will
get added to the actor's proficiency during equations.

Enemies can also each have a single weapon proficiency value for use in any
skill formula calculations.

Raising Weapon Proficiency
Proficiency is raised by an actor using their weapon in combat. Every hit or
miss can add weapon proficiency xp to their currently wielded weapon type
and when they reach the required weapon proficiency XP their proficiency
will increase and an animation will play on the actor. The amount of XP
gained per hit and miss and the amount required per level can be changed in
the plugin settings.

NOTE: a skill must be set to Hit Type 'Phyiscal Attack' to gain prof xp or
have an effect on crit/hit chance.

Show proficiencies in menu
There are two plugin settings to show the actor's weapon proficiencies. One
of them adds a new category to the default Skills menu, and the other adds a
new category to Yanfly's Status menu (if you have that installed).
Any other menus will require javascript knowledge in order to add.
Only weapon types that the actor has a trait allowing them to equip will
appear in the menu.


<prof:id|x|x2,id|x|x2> id = weapon type id (from database)
0 is for unarmed proficiency
x = the weapon proficiency value an actor/class
has with the weapon type. If no tag exists
or not weapon types are added to this list
the weapon proficiency will be 0
x2 = the maximum value a weapon proficiency can
be for that actor or class. The actor max
takes priority over the class max.
leave out the |x2 to use the default max
value specified in the pluin settings

<prof:1|20> set weapon type 1 (Default is dagger) to 20.
<prof:1|20,2|30> same as above but also added weapon type 2 to 30.
<prof:1|20,2|30,0|10> same as above but also adds 10 to ALL weapon types
as well as the other values
<prof:1|0|100> set weapon type 1 to 0 with a max possible of 100

<prof:x> a single value for the enemy's weapon proficiency. Enemies
can not have equips so they only use this one value.
if no tag exists, it will be 0
You can use battler's currently equipped weapon proficiency in damage
formula. This can be done by referring to a (attacker) or b (the target)
and using wProf(). For example:



adds amount of proficiency exp to wTypeId on actor x. Leave wTypeId
blank if you want to add proficiency exp to currently equipped weapon
type the actor is using.


Galv.WPROF.value(aId,wId); return an actor's weapon proficiency.
aId = actor id, wId = weapon type id
leave wId out to get currently equipped
weapon id.
use in control variables in SCRIPT

param Hit Bonus Per Point
desc How much hit % increases per point of weapon proficiency
default 1

param Crit Bonus Per Point
desc How much crit % increases per point of weapon proficiency
default 0.1

param Default Max Value
desc The maximum value a weapon proficiency can be.
default 100

param XP Per Hit
desc The amount of proficiency XP gained when hitting with a weapon
default 1

param XP Per Miss
desc The amount of proficiency XP gained when missing with a weapon
default 1

param XP Required For Level
desc The base amount of XP required to raise a weapon proficiency each level
default 10

param Additional XP Per Level
desc An additional amount of XP required multiplied by the current weapon proficiency level
default 1

param Weapon Type Icons
desc A list of icon id's ordered like Weapon Types in your database, the first being unarmed.
default 77,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107

param Prof Up Animation
desc Animation id played on sideview actor when their weapon proficiency is raised during battle
default 2

param Unarmed Name
desc Text for unarmed weapon type 0.
default Unarmed

param Skill Category
desc The name for weapon proficiency skill category in menus
default Proficiency

param Default Skill Menu
desc true or false to add to the skill menu or not if it is installed.
default true

param Yanfly Status Menu
desc true or false to add to Yanfly's status menu or not if it is installed.
default false

Terms of Use

紹介ページ https://galvs-scripts.com/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-battle/#post-1902