預金・債券購入・株式投資ができる銀行システム – Geowil_Bank.js

Creates a bank system where the player can deposite money, buy bonds, invest in stocks, and other things yet to be determined.
Version 2.0.2
Thanks for using my bank script. Some notes on how this should be used:

To open a bank, create an event and use one of the plugin commands below:
BankOpen <Params>

Where <BankID> is the ID for the bank you want to access from this event and <Params> are any of the below options:

ID: Opens a bank with the specified ID
IR: Interest Rate
TD: Time Denomination
MD: Minimum Deposit

BankOpen ID:0
BankOpen ID:0 IR:10
BankOpen ID:0 TD:Seconds MD:1000
BankOpen ID:0 IR:15 TD:Minutes MD:15000

Example 1: Opens a bank with plugin paramater defaults for all parameters
Example 2: Opens a bank with a 10% interest rate and everything else defaults
Example 3: Opens a bank with a time denomination of Seconds and a minimum deposit of 1000. Interest rate will be the
plugin default
Example 4: Opens a bank with an interest rate of 15%, a time denomination of Minutes, and a minimum deposit of 15,000.

Other plugin command features:
There are a few other plugin commands that you can use to take advantage of the other features of the plugin relating to bonds.

Bank <BankID> AddBond <BondInfoID> <Bond Name> <Bond Cost> <Bond Matured Value> <Bond Mature Time> <Bond Help Text>

The above plugin command allows you to create a new bond at the specifid bank. Here is a breakdown of what the values are used for:

<BankID> - ID for the bank the bond should be added to.
<BondInfoID> - ID for the bond info record at that bank, this ID can be used to later update this specific record.
<Bond Name> - The name for the bond that will show up in the 'Buy Bond' selection list.
<Bond Cost> - How much it will cost the player to buy the bond.
<Bond Matured Value> - How much the player will be able to sell the bond for once it has fully matured.
<Bond Mature Time> - The amount of time it will take for the bond to fully mature.
<Bond Help Text> - Sets the help text that will be displayed for the bond in the 'Buy Bond' window.

Example: Bank 0 AddBond 0 Baisc Bond 10 1000 4000 10 This bond will mature after 10 hours.\nGains 20% interest at maturation.

The above example create a new bond information record for bank 0 with the specified values


Bank <BankID> UpdateBond <BondInfoID> <Bond Name> <Bond Cost> <Bond Matured Value> <Bond Mature Time> <Bond Help Text>

The above plugin command allows you to update an existing bond at the specifid bank. Here is a breakdown of what the values are used for:

Example: Bank 0 UpdateBond 0 Baisc Bond 10 2000 8000 10 This bond will mature after 10 hours.\nGains 20% interest at maturation.

The above example modified the bond information record we created with the AddBond example at bank 0.


The last command allows you to modify the operational behavior of the AddBond command. Normally, with the 'Add Bond Overwrites' parameter set to false
the AddBond plugin command will ignore any bond information record that already exists at the bank id you specified. However when 'Add Bond Overwrites'
is true then AddBond will behave like an UpdateBond command for any existing record at that bank. The next plugin command allows you to turn this parameter
on or off from an event.

Bank AddOverwrites <On/Off>

Possible Conflicts:
Anything which modified DataManager.createGameObjects, DataManager.createSaveContents, or DataManager.extractSaveContents will conflict with this pluign
if not handled through aliasing or some other method.

SephirothSpawn - original RMXP script creator
param Invalid Gold Color
desc Sets the text color of the gold counter when it is higher than the amount of gold the player has
default #AE0C0C

param Immature Bond Color
desc Sets the text color to be used to highlight immature bonds
default #FF0000

param Font Size
desc Sets the text font size for the plugin
type int
default 20

param Gold Counter Button 1 Value
desc Sets the denomination of gold that clicking on the first up or down buttons in the gold counter window will change
default 10

param Gold Counter Button 2 Value
desc Sets the denomination of gold that clicking on the second up or down buttons in the gold counter window will change
default 100

param Add Bond Overwrites
desc This setting will determine if AddBond plugin command overwrites an existing bond information record
type boolean
default false

param Bond System Active
desc Allows you to turn on or off the bond system
type boolean
default true

param Time Denomination
type select
option Seconds
option Minutes
option Hours
option Days
desc Choose the default time mode for all banks. This can be customized through a plugin command on a per-bank basis
default Hours

param Default Interest
desc Allows you to set a default interest to be used when creating a bank without passing the interest value.
type int
default 10

param Minimum Depo
desc Allows you to set a minimum amount required to make a deposit. Use 0 to disable.
type int
default 0


紹介ページ https://github.com/Geowil/Geowil_Bank/blob/master/Geowil_Bank.js