敵にレベルを与えることができるプラグイン – HIME_EnemyLevels.js

- Gives enemies levels
== Description ==

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3iTo3nboSc

Do you want your enemies to have levels like actors?

You could use levels as a way to determine their difficulty level
compared to the actor's current level. For example, if your actor is
currently level 10 and the enemy is level 20, you might use a red font
to draw the enemy's name to indicate that it is dangerous.

Levels themselves do not mean much on their, for they are just a number.
They become more powerful once you use other plugins that make use of

For example, a plugin that you can use is Enemy Classes, which allows
you to assign classes to enemies. Using both plugins, you can now set
up parameters curves based on the enemy's level, as well as the skills
they can use based on the level.

== Terms of Use ==

- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use

== Change Log ==

1.4 - Dec 10, 2015
updated formula to use eval
1.3 - Dec 8, 2015
enemy levels are generated for each Game_Enemy instance
1.2 - Dec 7, 2015
added support for displaying enemy level in name
1.1 - Nov 26, 2015
added support for accessing 'level' as a property
1.0 - Nov 25, 2015
initial release

== Usage ==

Note-tag enemies with

<enemy level: FORMULA />

Where the formula is any valid javascript formula that evaluates to a

For example, you could write numbers

<enemy level: 23 />

Or you could include the game variables, using the formula variable `v`:

<enemy level: 5 + v.value(3)4 />

Which means the enemy's level is equal to 5 plus the value of
variable 3 multiplied by 4. This can be used to set up dynamic levels
based on things like difficulty.

-- Displaying Level in Name --

If you would like to display the enemy's level in their name, in the
plugin manager you can set the "Name Format" which is a formatted
string that takes two pieces of info

1. Enemy name
2. Enemy level

So for example, if you write

%1 Level %2

And you encounter a level 5 slime in-game, it will read

Slime Level 5

-- Changing Levels --

If you would like to change levels, there are two ways to do it

1. Using plugin commands

For simple level management, you can use the following commands during

set_enemy_level member MEMBER_ID to level LEVEL

Where the MEMBER_ID is the position of the enemy in the troop and the
LEVEL is the number of the new level. For example, to change the
second enemy in battle to level 10, you can write

set_enemy_level member 2 to level 10

You can also add or substract levels, using this plugin command

add_enemy_level LEVEL levels to member MEMDER_ID

If you specify a negative number, it will subtract the level.
For example, to add 5 levels to the third enemy, you would write

add_enemy_level 5 levels to member 3

To remove 10 levels from that enemy, you would write

add_enemy_level -10 levels to member 3

2. Script calls

If you would like more advanced ways to control enemy levels, you can use
script calls directly. Say you wanted to modify the second enemy

First, access the enemy object. Remember that javascript indexing is
zero-based, so the first enemy is at index 0.


Then you can use the following methods

$gameTroop.members()[1].setLevel( NEW_LEVEL )
$gameTroop.members()[1].addLevel( NEW_LEVEL )

Where the NEW_LEVEL is a javascript formula that evaluates to a number.

title Enemy Levels
version 1.4
date Dec 10, 2015
filename HIME_EnemyLevels.js
url http://himeworks.com/2015/11/enemy-levels-mv

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If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of
the following sites:

Main Website: http://himeworks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks
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param Name Format
desc How the enemy name should be formatted %1 is the name. %2 is level.
default %1 Lv %2
- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use

紹介ページ http://himeworks.com/2015/11/enemy-levels-mv/