プレイヤーがどのようにそれとやり取りするかに応じて、イベントの実行方法を変えることができるプラグイン – HIME_EventTriggerLabels.js

- Allows you to set up events to run differently depending on how the player interacts with it.
== Description ==

In RPG Maker, you have events on the map that can be triggered when the player
is either standing on top of them or in front of them. When a player wishes
to trigger an event, they press the "action" button, which by default is the
Z or Enter key. When an event is triggered, they will execute the entire list
of commands.

However, what happens if you want to allow a player to interact with an event
in different ways?

For example, if a player walks up to an event and talks to it normally, they
might just have friendly conversation.

On the other hand, if a player walks up to an event and presses the A key,
this might issue a challenge to the event to a mini-game, and the event will
ask you if you're sure you want to do this.

This plugin allows you to separate an event's list of commands into different
sections. Depending on how the event is triggered, a different section would
run, allowing you to create unique behaviors when the player interacts with
an event.

== Terms of Use ==

- Free for use in non-commercial projects
- Free for use in commercial projects, but it would be nice to let me know
- Please provide credits to HimeWorks

== Change Log ==

1.0 - Dec 31, 2015
initial release
0.2 - Dec 12, 2015
fixed error where page switching didn't load up trigger buttons properly
0.1 - Dec 10, 2015
initial beta release

== Usage ==

By default, all commands on the current event page are executed from top to
bottom when the event is run.

We can create sections of the page that will only be run when the trigger
label condition is met.

-- Button Trigger Labels --

These trigger labels require certain buttons to be pressed.

For example, you might have a set of commands that only run when the "a" key
is pressed, and another set of commands that are only run when the "b" key is

To create a button trigger label, create a "Label" event command and write

button_trigger BUTTON

Where the BUTTON is the name of a button that should be pressed.

Depending on what plugins you're using for buttons, it may be different.
For example, if you're not using any custom keyboard or input scripts, you
don't really have much choice beyond these buttons:

ok - Z key, Enter key
escape - X key, Esc key
control - left control, right contorl
shift - left shift, right shift
pageup - Q key
pagedown - W key

These apply to Yanfly's keyboard config plugin as well.

So for example, if you want the event in front of you to be triggered when
you press the X key (which usually goes to the menu), you can write

button_trigger escape

Which would intercept the escape button press and trigger the event instead
of opening the menu.

If you're using a full keyboard plugin such as ZE - Key Mapper, you would
then have access to the entire keyboard!

Please look at the instructions for your input plugin on what buttons are
available. I have also provided a plugin parameter that allows you to show
"debug" information, which displays the name of the button that's being
pressed. You will use this for your labels.

title Event Trigger Labels
version 1.0
date Dec 31, 2015
filename HIME_EventTriggerLabels.js
url http://himeworks.com/2016/01/event-trigger-labels-mv/

If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!


If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of
the following sites:

Main Website: http://himeworks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks
Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/

param Show Debug
desc set this to `true` without quotes if you want to print out the key
that is being pressed. This is to see what to use for your labels.
default true
- Free for use in non-commercial projects
- Free for use in commercial projects, but it would be nice to let me know

紹介ページ http://himeworks.com/2016/01/event-trigger-labels-mv/