あなたは敵にさらにドロップを追加し、ドロップの確率にはパーセントの確率を使用することができるプラグイン – HIME_MoreEnemyDrops.js

Allows you to add more drops to an enemy and use percentage probabilities for drop chance.
== Description ==

RPG Maker MV allows you to create up to three item drops for an enemy.
When the battle is over, the player may receive up to any of these
3 items.

When you specify drops, you use something called a "denominator"
probability, which is basically you specifying the chances of the item
dropping as a fraction of 1.

For example, if an item had a 1 /2 chance to drop, then it has a 50%
chance to drop. If an item had a 1 / 3 chance to drop, then it has a
33.33% chance to drop.

Unfortunately, with this system, you could never have any
probabilities in between.

This plugin addresses two issues:

1. You can specify more drops
2. You can specify probability using percentages

This should give you more flexibility when designing your enemies.
Give this plugin a try!

== Terms of Use ==

- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use

== Change Log ==

1.4 Dec 4, 2015
- You can reference the enemy in the drop chance now
1.3 Dec 4, 2015
- changed drop default to 100% if option is not provided
1.2 Nov 25, 2015
- switched to new note-tag format with new features
1.1 Nov 8, 2015
- fixed bug in regex
1.0 Nov 6, 2015
- initial release

== Usage ==

-- Understanding Item Codes --

Before we begin, you must first understand a concept that I call
"Item Codes". The item code is a way for you to quickly specify
what kind of item you want, and the ID of the item.

If you already understand item codes you can just skip this part.

This is how an ItemCode looks like:


The first letter represents the item kind.

a - armor
w - weapon
i - item

The number after is the database ID. So if you write


That means the enemy will drop weapon 23.

-- Managing Additional Drops --

To create enemy drops, you would use a note-tag that looks like this:

<enemy drop>
item_code: "ID",
amount: number,
chance: "FORMULA"
</enemy drop>

Take note of those commas: if you have additional options, you must
include a comma.

`item_code` is the code that was described above. This indicates which
item will be dropped.

`chance` is a formula that evaluates to a number as a percentage.
So for example, you could write numbers

chance: "25"

Which means 25% chance to drop.

Alternatively, you can use javascript code if you know how to write them.
The condition offers 3 formula variables

enemy - this enemy
v - game variables
s - game switches

For example, this plugin gives you a special formula variable called `v`
which gives you access to the game variables.

chance: "v.value(3)10"

Which gives you 10 times the value of variable 3.
You can also use the formula variable "s" to give you access to switches.
So for example,

chance: "s.value(2) === false ? 0 : 100"

Which means if switch 2 is OFF, it drops with 0%, but if the switch is
ON, then you get it 100%.

By default, if you don't specify a chance, then it is assumed to drop
at 100%.

For example, if you write

<enemy drop>
item_code: "i1"
</enemy drop>

Then it will drop item 1 100% of the time.

The `amount` option tells the game how much of that item should drop.
For example, if you write

<enemy drop>
item_code: "w3",
amount: 2
</enemy drop>

Then it will drop two of weapon 3. If you don't specify an amount, then
the game assumes you will only get 1.

title More Enemy Drops
version 1.4
date Dec 4, 2015
filename HIME_MoreEnemyDrops.js
url http://himeworks.com/2015/11/more-enemy-drops/
- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use

紹介ページ http://himeworks.com/2015/11/more-enemy-drops/