In RPG Maker MV, you have eight basic parameters to work with for your actors
- Max HP
- max MP
- Attack
- Defense
- Magical Attack
- Magical Defense
- Agility
- Luck
Parameters are managed for each class, and your actors' parameters are
determined by their current level along with their current class.
However, the only way to manage your parameters is through the editor,
and the editor does not support
1. Custom parameters that you would like to use in your game
2. Levels beyond 99
This plugin provides you with a way to manage all of your parameters
as external tables which you can edit using text editors like notepad,
or more sophisticated spreadsheet software like Excel.
You can set values for parameters individually for every level between
1 and 99, as well as levels beyond 99.
You can also set values for any custom parameters that you may have in
your game, though you would first need a plugin that provides custom
parameter functionality.
By maintaining your parameters externally, you should have more control
over your game than before.
== Terms of Use ==
- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Free for use in commercial projects, but it would be nice to let me know
- Please provide credits to HimeWorks
== Change Log ==
1.3 - May 7, 2016
Implemented actor-based parameter tables
1.2 - Mar 28, 2016
fixed bug where last row was not read
fixed bug where game never loads if no tables are used
1.1 - Feb 3, 2016
fixed bug where due to timing issues, table parsing is skipped
1.0 - Jan 25, 2016
initial release
== Usage ==
In your project folder, go to the "Data" folder and created a new folder
called "params".
You will place all of the parameter tables inside this folder, along with
a special configuration file that the plugin uses to tell the game how to
read your tables.
-- Parameter Tables --
To manage parameter curves for each class, you will create a CSV file.
You can download a sample one from here to get started:
Simply create your table, pick a filename, then save it in the Params folder.
-- Assigning Tables to Classes --
In your class database, note-tag classes with
<parameter table: NAME_OF_TABLE />
To have the class use that table. If you don't specify a table, the game will
just use the default curves provided by the class.
Multiple classes can use the same table if necessary.
-- Assigning Tables to Actors --
By default, actor parameters are based on their current class and current
level. If you wanted actors to have their own parameters and ignore their
class parameters, you can note-tag an actor directly with
<parameter table: NAME_OF_TABLE />
-- Configuration File --
To get you started, you can download a sample configuration file from here:
If you are using the default parameters in your project, you don't need to
worry about the file since it is set up already for you.
Otherwise, if you are planning to work with custom parameters, or you want
to change the displayed names in the tables, you will need to understand how
to modify the file.