サイドビューアクターを敵として使うことができるプラグイン – HIME_SideviewActorEnemies.js
- タイトル
- - Allows you to use side-view actors as enemies.
- 作者名
- Hime様
- ヘルプ
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
== Description ==
Do you want to use side-view actors as enemies?
For example, maybe one of your actors decides to join the enemies, but
you still want them to appear the same as they did when they were in
your party!
With this plugin, you can easily set up enemies to use side-view actor
== Terms of Use ==
- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use
== Change Log ==
1.2 - Dec 5, 2015
enemy actors do not collapse if knocked out by event
1.1 - Nov 22, 2015
fixed state overlays being mirrored on enemies
1.0 - Nov 21, 2015
initial release
== Required ==
Enemy Equips
== Usage ==
Note-tag enemies with
<sv actor name: NAME />
Where the NAME is the filename of the SV Actor sprite that
you want to use. The image must be placed inside the sv_actors folder.
Everything else will remain the same for the enemy: you would set their
positions in the troop editor as usual and the enemy will appear there,
except using SV Actor sprites.
You can take one of the sprites from the SV Actor spritesheet and use
that as the enemy sprite in the database.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- - パラメータ
title SVActor Enemies version 1.2 date Dec 5, 2015 filename HIME_SideviewActorEnemies.js url http://himeworks.com/2015/11/sideview-enemy-actors/
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------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ライセンス表記
- - Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use