計算式に基づいてダメージを変更する状態させるプラグイン – HIME_StateDamageModifiers.js

- Allows you to create states that will alter damage received based on a formula
== Description ==

In RPG Maker MV, damage calculations are performed when one battler uses an
action on another battler (including themselves).

So for example, let's say your actor attacked an enemy using skill #3. The
game would look at skill #3's damage formula and use that to determine the
base damage that the skill can deal.

In addition to this "base damage", we also have some extra damage modifiers,
such as the guard effect which halves the damage received, as well as the
critical hit modifier, which increases damage based on a critical multiplier.

This plugin allows you to further apply additional damage modifiers, which
essentially allows you to change the damage even further. These modifiers
will be applied to states, so whenever the state is active, the damage
modifiers will be used.

State damage modifiers can be applied to both the attacker as well as the
target. Attacker damage modifiers are applied before the target damage

== Terms of Use ==

- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use

== Change Log ==
1.4 - Jun 1, 2016
Fixed regex to support multiple note-tags
1.3 - Jan 16, 2016
fixed bug where 0 damage returns previous damage
1.2 - Dec 3, 2015
bug fix: defender states were evaluated twice
Formulas that return no value assume they do not change the current damage
1.1 - Dec 2, 2015
separated damage modifiers into attacker and defender formulas
evaluate formulas in context of current action
1.0 - Nov 28, 2015
initial release

== Usage ==

State damage modifiers are similar to damage formulas, except they have an
extra variable available to use: the current damage.

Because there may be multiple damage modifiers involved, you might want to
apply the modifier on top of the results of previously modified damages.

There are two types of damage modifiers: attacker modifiers, and
defender modifiers. Attack modifiers are used when a battler is
attacking someone. On the other hand, defender modifiers are used when
they are on the receiving end of an attack.

If a battler targets themselves, both attacker and defender modifers are
used for the same battler.

To apply a state damage modifier to a state, note-tag states with the
appropriate modifier. If you want to add an attacker modifier, use

<state damage modifier: attacker>
</state damage modifier>

If you want to add a defender modifier, use

<state damage modifier: defender>
</state damage modifier>

Where the FORMULA is any valid javascript expression that evaluates to a
number. The following formula variables are available

a - the attacker
b - the target
v - game variables
d - current damage (after previous modifiers are applied)

So for example, let's say you wanted to make it so that this state will simply
cancel out any damage. You can use a simple formula


And the damage will now be 0.

Similarly, you could change the damage so that it will leave you with 1 HP.

b.hp - 1

Which means the target's current HP, less one. This might be useful if you
wanted your state to always leave 1 HP when it's active.

You might make it so that this state will double the damage dealt. You can


Which will multiply the current damage by 2.

The possibilities are endless. You are limited by your javascript knowledge.
If you need help coming up with a formula, many people could potentially help.

title State Damage Modifiers
date Jun 1, 2015
version 1.4
filename HIME_StateDamageModifiers.js
url http://himeworks.com/2015/11/state-damage-modifiers/

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If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at any of
the following sites:

Main Website: http://himeworks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himeworkscom/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimeWorks
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HimeWorks
Tumblr: http://himeworks.tumblr.com/

- Free for use in non-commercial projects with credits
- Contact me for commercial use
The possibilities are endless. You are limited by your javascript knowledge.

紹介ページ http://himeworks.com/2015/11/state-damage-modifiers/