レシピデータを元にアイテムを作り出すことのできるプラグイン – MrTS_Crafting.js

Allows crafting of items.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.0

Setting Everything Up
First, you'll need 2 new files in data folder:

Recipes file will hold all recipe data and Disciplines file will hold data about
disciplines. Ihighlyrecommend checking sample files that are located in the
demo of this plugin.

Discipline object looks like this:
"ID": 999,
"Name": "NAME",
"IconID": 1337,
"ExpFormula": "10000level",
"MaxLevel": 2,
"Categories": ["1", "2", "3", ... , "n"],
"Background": "FileName"

And file structure looks like this:

"ID" - to identify which disciplice is which and for plugin calls. ID > 0
"Name" - how discipline is called
"IconID" - icon for discipline
"ExpFormula" - leveling formula for discipline, level stands for current
discipline level
"MaxLevel" - max possible discipline level
"Categories" - Categories to organize items when crafting
"Background" - Give a background to crafting. Leave it empty - "" to use default
- background. Images go into img\System

Recipe object looks like this:
"ID": 192312,
"Name": "Ultimate Sword of Ascension",
"IconIndex": 122,
"Result": [
"Type": "weapon",
"ID": 99999,
"Amount": 1
"Requires": [
"Type": "item",
"ID": 1337,
"Amount": 99
"Discipline": ID,
"Category": ["Swords", "Weapons"],
"XP": 999999999,
"LevelReq": 150,
"Learned": "command"


And file structure looks like this:

"ID" - To know which recipe is which. ID > 0
"Name" - How it appears in crafting window
"IconIndex" - Icon for recipe
"Result" - What items and how many of them result by crafting it, can be more
than one item.
"Requires" - What items and how many of them are required to craft it.
"Type" - item type - "weapon", "item", "armor"
"ID" - item ID
"Amount" - how much of the item
"Discipline" - which disicipline's recipe is this
"Category" - under which categories will item be shown, can be multiple
"XP" - XP given for the discipline
"LevelReq" - Discipline level requirement to craft it
"Learned" - how is the recipe learned - "start" - from the start, "command" -
- by plugin command - "levelhit" - unlocks automatically when hits -
- required level

Plugin Commands
Crafting Start [DISCIPLINE_ID] - opens scene to craft with discipline
Crafting GainExp [DISCIPLINE_ID] [EXP] - give exp to certain discipline
Crafting Learn [RECIPE_ID] - learn a specific recipe

Crafting Start 3
Crafting GainExp 1 100
Crafting Learn 5

Script Calls
$gameSystem.getDisciplineExp(DISCIPLINE_ID) - returns EXP of a discipline
$gameSystem.getDisciplineLevel(DISCIPLINE_ID) - returns LEVEL of a discipline
$gameSystem.isRecipeKnown(RECIPE_ID) - returns if recipe is learned
$gameSystem.knownRecipesNumber(DISCIPLINE_ID) - returns amount of recipes known

Version History
1.0 - Release
param Required Levels
desc Show recipe required levels to craft it? True/False
Default: True
default True

param Gauge Color 1
desc Color 1 of discipline exp gauge - in hex.
Default: #23b94d
default #23b94d

param Gauge Color 2
desc Color 2 of discipline exp gauge - in hex.
Default: #60e021
default #60e021

param Category Color
desc Color of Categories.
Default: #FFD700
default #FFD700

param Has Items Color
desc Color of item number when party has enough for recipe.
Default: #4CC417
default #4CC417

param Not Has Items Color
desc Color of item number when party doesn't have enough for recipe.
Default: #C24641
default #C24641

param Closed Category Symbol
desc Symbol to mark closed category.
Default: +
default +

param Open Category Symbol
desc Symbol to mark open category.
Default: -
default -

param Required Level Text
desc Required recipe level text.
Default: Required Lv.:
default Required Lv.:

param Result Text
desc Recipe result text.
Default: Product:
default Product:

param Required Items Text
desc Text for required items.
Default: Required Items:
default Required Items:

param Craft Text
desc Craft button text.
Default: Craft
default Craft

param Discipline Level Text
desc Discipline Level Text
Default: Level:
default Level:

param Possession Text
desc How many items party has text.
Default: Owned:
default Owned:

param Craft Sound
desc Which sound to play on successful craft?
Default: Parry
default Parry

param Show Buttons
desc Show quantity buttons for mouse? True/False
Default: True
default True

param Stretch
desc Stretch Windows if resolution is bigger than default? True/False
default False

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_Crafting.js