イベントの上に自分の名前を表示させるプラグイン – MrTS_EventNames.js

Allows events to show their names above them.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.6

Event Comment Tags
- If tag is in comment, it'll display according to event's page.
Use "Comment..." command under Flow Control for those tags.

<EventNameText: TEXT>
<EventNamePicture: NAME, WIDTH, HEIGHT>
<EventNameRange: RANGE>
<EventNameOffsetX: PIXELS>
<EventNameOffsetY: PIXELS>
<EventNameFont: FONT>
<EventNameFontSize: SIZE>

TEXT - Text to show above event, can use text codes, too - \v[10]
NAME - Picture Name (Pictures stored in img\system)
WIDTH - Picture width in pixels
HEIGHT - Picture height in pixels
RANGE - How close player has to be to see the event name/picture.
PIXELS - How big is the offset from default position in pixels
FONT - Different font for text
SIZE - Font Size

Plugin Commands
EventNames Hide - Disables event names from showing
EventNames Show - Enables event names for showing

Version History
1.6 - Removed event notetags. Tags are written in comments only.
- Changed comment tags.
- Removed Icon tags.
- Added X and Y offset for Text/Pictures.
- Added Font name, size tags.
- Added plugin commands.
- Fixed names being shown out of range for short moment after scene change.
1.5 - Added Icon drawing, cleaned up the code.
1.4 - Added Fade in and Fade out effects for event names and pictures.
- Fixed layering of pictures and names. They're properly above now.
1.3 - Crash fix
1.2 - Bug fix
1.1 - Added Pictures above event heads.
Added Picture and Names changing when event switches pages.
1.0 - Release
param Default Range
desc How close player has to be to see event's name in tiles.
Default: 5
default 5

param Font Size
desc Default Font size for event's name.
Default: 24
default 24

param Font Name
desc Default Font for event's name.
Default: GameFont
default GameFont

param Fade
desc Should event names/pictures/icons have a fade effect? True/False
Default: True
default True

param Fade Timer
desc How quickly should by fade happen by default? In frames. 60 = 1s
Default: 30
default 30

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_EventNames.js