プレイヤーと敵が命中したときに音を鳴らするプラグイン – MrTS_HurtSounds.js

Makes players and enemies play a sound when they get hit.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.2

Actor/Enemy Tags
Place the following tag into Actor or Enemy note field. You can place multiple
tags on same enemy - in that case a random sound from those will be picked.
<Hurt: [SFX], [VOL], [PITCH]>
[SFX] - SFX name
[VOL] - Volume
[PITCH] - Pitch

Version History
1.0 - Release
1.1 - Picking a random sound if multiple tags are on the same enemy.
1.2 - Crash fix when attacking enemies/actors without hurt notes
( なし )
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_HurtSounds.js