ルミナスステータス画面 – MrTS_LuminusStatus.js

Luminus Status Screen
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.0

Required Files
"img\system\LuminusBackground.png" - At least as big as screen. Background.
"img\system\LuminusStatus.png" - 348x539 - Background for stats and equipment.
"img\system\LuminusBar.png" - 324x48 - background for equipment.
"img\system\LuminusSeparator.png" - 327x9 - separator bar between blocks.
"img\system\LuminusStatusName.png" - 264x70 - Status Scene name in top right.
"img\system\LuminusActor#.png" - any preferred size. # - Actor ID
E.g. LuminusActor5.png would be actor's with ID 5 image.
"img\system\LuminusBottomBar.png" - 40height, width - as big as screen.
Is at the very bottom of status screen. Can be used to display controls.

Map Tags
<LuminusBackground: [FILENAME]>
Luminus Status Scene background is set depending on the map you're in.
If no tag set it uses default background - "LuminusBackground".
Version History
1.0 - Release
param Short Attack
desc Short text for Attack
Default: ATK
default ATK

param Short Defense
desc Short text for Defense
Default: DEF
default DEF

param Short MAttack
desc Short text for Magical Attack
Default: MAT
default MAT

param Short MDefense
desc Short text for MDefense
Default: MDF
default MDF

param Short Agility
desc Short text for Agility
Default: AGI
default AGI

param Short Luck
desc Short text for Luck
Default: LUK
default LUK

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_LuminusStatus.js