必要に応じて、アイテムピックアップまたはカスタムアイテムのポップアップを作成するプラグイン – MrTS_PopUp.js

Creates pop ups on item pick ups or custom ones as needed.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.3

Plugin Calls
CreatePopup [Icon Index] [Icon Allignment] [Text]
Icon Index - index of the icon to show, 0 to not show any
Text - text to show, can use escape characters like \n[1]
Icon Allignment - is icon onon Left or Right side of the popup, left by default

CreatePopup 23 left Reputation +\v[20]
CreatePopup 17 right Memories gone

StopPopups - disables popups
StartPopups - enables popups

Version History
1.3 - Fixed StopPopups command.
1.2 - Crash fixes.
1.1 - Showing quantity when more than 1 item is obtained.
1.0 - Release
param Pop Speed
desc How fast popup goes upwards.
Default: 2
default 2

param Pop Delay
desc Delay between popups, if there's more than one at once.
Default: 15
default 15

param Pop Fade Out
desc How fast popup fades out?
Default: 30
default 30

param Pop Font Type
desc Default font to use?
Default: GameFont
default GameFont

param Pop Font Size
desc Default font size to use?
Default: 28
default 28

param Gold Icon
desc Icon Index for Gold?
Default: 17
default 17

param Quantity Sign
desc How should item quantity shown?
Default: x
default x

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_PopUp.js