文字を沈める領域の種類を許可するプラグイン – MrTS_Quicksand.js

Allows types of regions that sink characters in.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.3

Map Tags
To set up quicksand regions, use the following setup in Map Note Field:
<quicksand: [ID]>
SinkSpeed: [FLOAT]
SlowDown: [FLOAT]
MaxSlowDown: [FLOAT]
MaxSink: [INT]
SinkReached: [Common Event ID/0/-1]
Dash: [true/false]
CutOff: [true/false]

Let's break it down:
<quicksand: [ID]> tells code that it's a start of a set up.
[ID] - for which region are you setting it up
</quicksand> tells code that it's end of a set up and prepares for another setup
if so desired
SinkSpeed: [FLOAT] - How fast player sinks in. E.g. 0.05, 0.1, 1.0
SlowDown: [FLOAT] - How resistant it is to move in quicksand E.g. 0.05, 0.1
MaxSlowDown: [FLOAT] - What's the highest resistance against moving E.g. 0.5
MaxSink: [INT] - How deep can player sink in. E.g. 48
SinkReached: [CE ID] - What happens after player sinks in.
- 0 - nothing, -1 - death, number > 0 - call CE of that ID
Dash: [true/false] - Can player dash while in quicksand? true/false
CutOff: [true/false] - Does player's body actually sink in?

You can have multiple set ups for different region IDs on same Map.

Event Tags
Place the tag inside note field in Event.
Makes event not sink in quicksand.

Version History
1.3 - Fixed sinking into tiles that aren't tagged as Bush in database.
1.2 - Removed redundant tags, more options on sink in.
1.1 - Fixed values staying false.
1.0 - Release
( なし )
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_Quicksand.js