それらの基本リソースを得るためにアイテムを回収することを可能にするプラグイン – MrTS_SalvageItems.js

Allows to salvage items to get their base resources.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.1

Item tags
To make salvaging possible, create salvage results for items by placing them in
those items.
Creating the rewards:

[TYPE] - Item type. w - weapon, a - armor, i - item
[ID] - ID of the item
[QUANTITY] - How many player gets from salvaging
[CHANCE] - Chance of success - 1.0 - 100%, 0.5 - 50%, 0.04 - 4%

i 8 1 1
i 8 1 0.75
i 8 1 0.25

Plugin Commands
SalvageScene - Calls Salvaging Scene.

Version History
1.1 - Crash fix when trying to salvage null object.
1.0 - Release
param Command In Menu
desc Is the salvage command in menu? (True/False)
default True

param Command Name
desc Command Name in the menu.
Default: Salvage
default Salvage

param Enable Switch
desc Switch that enables/disables command in menu.
0 - always enabled.
default 0

param Rewards Text
desc Rewards text that's shown on the top of right window.
default Salvaged to:

param Fail Text
desc Text when obtaining no materials from salvaging.
default Salvaging Failure

param Rewards Timer
desc How long the rewards window stays open before closing?
default 150

param Background Image
desc Image for the Salvaging scene's background.
Image to be found in img\system

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_SalvageItems.js