Xの使用後、スキルは自分自身のより強いバージョンに変わります。 – MrTS_SimpleSkillLeveling.js

Skills change to stronger version of themselves after X uses.
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Version 1.1

Skill Tags
To make skill change after some uses, use the following tag:
<LevelUpTo: [ID], [USES], [REMOVE]>

Will make skill require a specific other existing skill that was used.
<LevelUpRequire: [ID], [USES], [REMOVE]>

[ID] - Skill ID to change to
[USES] - After how many uses change into that skill
[REMOVE] - 0 - keep skill after leveling up, 1 - remove skill after leveling up
(Remove is optional, by default it'll remove)

<LevelUpTo: 5, 25, 0>
<LevelUpTo: 8, 10>

<LevelUpTo: 5, 20, 0>
<LevelUpRequire: 7, 5>
<LevelUpRequire: 8, 9>

<LevelUpTo: 7, 20>
<LevelUpRequire: 8, 10, 0>

<LevelUpTo: 8, 10>
<LevelUpRequire: 7, 20>

Version History
1.1 - Added multiple skill requirement for level up.
- Added ability to keep skills after they leveled up.
- Fixed a bug where it'd count as multiple uses for multiple target skill.
1.0 - Release
( なし )
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_SimpleSkillLeveling.js