特定のスキルを使用した後で、小さなウィンドウを表示するプラグイン – MrTS_SkillTimeReaction.js

After using certain skills, there's a small window whereyou can react to it
Terms of Use
Don't remove the header or claim that you wrote this plugin.
Credit Mr. Trivel if using this plugin in your project.
Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Commissioned by Fisherolol
Version 1.2

Yanfly's Battle Engine Core

Skill Tags
Skill tags are placed in Skill Note fields.

When a skill has <Reaction> tag in it, it will display an image for a random
amount of time in which player can
<ReactionAppear: [FROM] [TO]>
<ReactionWindow: [FROM] [TO]>
<ReactionState: [STATE ID]>
[FROM] [TO] - How long the window lasts or appears. It'll pick a random number
of frames between [FROM] and [TO] ([FROM] <= time < [TO]).
[STATE ID] - Which state to apply when hitting the button in react window.

Only <Reaction> tag is a must to have the reaction window. Other tags like
<ReactionAppear: [FROM] [TO]>, <ReactionWindow: [FROM] [TO]> or \
<ReactionState: [STATE ID]> can be omitted to use default values from parameters.

<ReactionWindow: 50 100>
<ReactionState: 15>

<ReactionState: 50>
<ReactionAppear: 40 100>

Image Files
This plugin displays an image to click.
Images go to img\system.

Image list:

Version History
1.2 - Fixed success and failure sound play overlap.
1.1 - SFX on success/failure. Fixed hit image not appearing when using default
1.0 - Release
param Default Reaction Appearance
desc How long it takes for reaction window to appear? From To in frames.
Default: 20 60
default 20 60

param Default Reaction Time
desc How long the reaction window lasts? From To in frames.
Default: 60 150
default 60 150

param Default State
desc If reaction succeeds which state to apply for the duration of attack?
Default: 11
default 11

param Success SFX
desc Which SFX to play on success?
Default: Skill2
default Skill2

param Fail SFX
desc Which SFX to play on failure?
Default: Splash
default Splash

Free for commercial and non-commercial projects.
<ReactionState: [STATE ID]> can be omitted to use default values from parameters.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_SkillTimeReaction.js