敵からアイテムやスキルを盗むことができるプラグイン – MrTS_StealSkill.js

Allows to steal items and skills from enemies.
Version 1.2
Free for non-commercial use only.

## Modes
Mode 1 - Attempts to steal every item at once,
So if enemy has 3 available items to steal, player has a chance
to steal them all.

Mode 2 - Attemps to steal only 1 item.
So if enemy has 3 available items to steal, player has a chance
to steal only 1 of them.
E.g. Potion 30%, Sword 20%, Doom Skill 1%.
Player will have 30% chance to get potion, 20% to get sword
and 1% to get Doom Skill.

## Note Fields

Skill note fields:
<steal> - Add this to a skill that allows to steal.

Enemy note fields:
<steal: X, Y, Z, K, L>
X - item type: w - weapon, a - armour, i - item, s - skill
Y - item/skill ID
Z - steal chance. 0.00 - 0% , 0.33 - 33%, 1.00 - 100%
K - item amount (Use 1 for skill)
L - number of times steal can success on the enemy
param Steal Mode
desc 1 - try to steal every item, 2 - try to steal 1 item. If
mode is 2, % of all items has to add up to 1.0 or less.
default 1

param Steal Success Text
desc Text shown on successful steal.
default %1 stole %2 from %3!

param Steal Success Text
desc Text shown on successful skill steal.
default %1 stole skill %2 from %3!

param Steal Fail Text
desc Text shown on failed steal.
default %1 failed to steal from %2.

param Nothing Left Text
desc Text shown on when there's no more items to steal.
default %1 doesn't have anything left!

Free for non-commercial use only.

紹介ページ https://github.com/Trivel/RMMV/blob/master/MrTS_StealSkill.js