ゲストをパーティに追加できるプラグイン – PartyGuests.js

Enables the addition of guests into the party
Plugin Command:
PartyGuests add <actorId> # Adds the actor to the party guest list
PartyGuests remove <actorId> # Removes the actor to the party guest list
param Maximum Guest Count
desc Maximum number of guests [Default: 2]
param Enable Default Menu
desc Adds the guest window on the default menu (works only if you are using the default menu!) [Default: false]
param Add Guests to Menu
desc Adds the Guests item into the menu selection [Default: false]
param Show Empty Guests Window
desc Shows the guest window on the default menu when no guests are in the party [Default: false]

  • GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

紹介ページ https://github.com/cleargelnotes/cgn-rmmv-party-guests/blob/master/PartyGuests.js