パスファインディングアルゴリズム – QPathfind.js

APathfinding algorithm
## About
This plugin will calculate a path for a character to take to reach a target
position. You can also use this plugin to make a character chase a target.
## How to use
To start a pathfind, you need to use a plugin command:
qPathfind [CHARAID] [list of options]
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)

Possible options:
- xX: where X is the x position in grid terms
- yY: where Y is the y position in grid terms
- pxX: where X is the x position in pixel terms (QMovement only)
- pyY: where Y is the y position in pixel terms (QMovement only)
- smartX: where X is 1 or 2.
- When 1, pathfind will recalculate when its path is blocked
- When 2, pathfind will also recalucate at a set interval
- wait: the event that called this will wait until the pathfind is complete
Pathfind Towards
To start a pathfind towards a character, you need to use a plugin command:
qPathfind [CHARAID] towards [TARGETCHARAID] [list of options]
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)
- TARGETCHARAID: The CharaID of who you want the CHARAID to move towards

Possible options:
- xX: where X is the x position in grid terms
- yY: where Y is the y position in grid terms
- pxX: where X is the x position in pixel terms (QMovement only)
- pyY: where Y is the y position in pixel terms (QMovement only)
- smartX: where X is 1 or 2.
- When 1, pathfind will recalculate when its path is blocked
- When 2, pathfind will also recalucate at a set interval
- wait: the event that called this will wait until the pathfind is complete
To start a chase, use the plugin command:
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)
- TARGETCHARAID: The CharaID of who you want the CHARAID to chase

Chasing ends when event page changes.
To force end a chase, you'll need to clear it.
Clear / End Pathfind
If you need to end a pathfind early, for example to end a chase. Then use
the plugin command:
qPathfind [CHARAID] clear
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)
Make the player pathfind to 5, 1. With no smart
qPathfind 0 x5 y1
qPathfind p x5 y1
qPathfind player x5 y1
Note: All 3 are the same, just using a different character id method

Make the player pathfind to 2, 4. With smart 1
qPathfind 0 x2 y4 smart1
qPathfind p x2 y4 smart1
qPathfind player x2 y4 smart1

Make the event 1 pathfind to 2, 4. With a wait
qPathfind 1 x2 y4 wait
qPathfind e1 x2 y4 wait
qPathfind event1 x2 y4 wait

Make the event 1 chase player
qPathfind 1 chase 0
qPathfind e1 chase p
qPathfind event1 chase player1
## Links
Formated Help:




Terms of use:


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version 1.4.11
site https://quxios.github.io/
updateurl https://quxios.github.io/data/pluginsMin.json

requires QPlus

video TODO

param Diagonals
desc Set to true or false to enable diagonals in the route
type Boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default false

param Any Angle
desc (Only for QMovement) Set to true or false to enable moving at
any angle
type Boolean
on Enable
off Disable
default false

param Intervals
desc Set to the number of calculations per frame
Higher value will calculate faster but can lower frames
type Number
min 1
default 100

param Smart Wait
desc How long should the pathfind smart 2 wait(in frames) until it
tries again. Default: 60
type Number
min 1
default 60

param Dash on Mouse
desc Should player dash when mouse clicking?
MV Default: true
type Boolean
default true

tags pathfind, chase, character

紹介ページ https://github.com/quxios/QMV-ABS-Demo/blob/master/js/plugins/QPathfind.js