マップまたは画面上にポップアップを作成できます。 – QPopup.js

Lets you create popups in the map or on screen
## About
This plugin lets you play a random popups at a set interval over an event.
It also lets you create your own popups that you can place where you want.
## Presets
Presets can be created in the plugin parameters or with plugin commands.
Presets have predefined rules for a popups style and transitions.
## Event Popups
This feature will create popup(s) at an event every X frames.

To use this, you need configure these into the event's page as a comment:
Every option should be on a different line
- Possible Options:
- "interval: X": Set X to the number of frames between popups
- "preset: X": Set X to the preset to use. Presets are creating with plugin
commands.Preset needs to be configured before this events page starts, or
it won't be applied
- "ox: X": Set X to the offset x position of this popup. Can be negative
- "oy: Y": Set Y to the offset y position of this popup. Can be negative
- "duration: X": Set X to the duration of the popup

qPopupSettings Example
interval: 120
duration: 60
oy: -48
Every option should be on a different line
- Possible Options:
- "fontFace: X": Set X to the name of the font to use
- "fontSize: X": Set X to size of the font
- "color: X": Set X to the hex color to use
- "padding: X": Set X to the padding in pixels
- "windowed: X": Set X to true or false

qPopupStyle Example
fontSize: 18
windowed: true
color: #FF0000
Every transition should be on a different line
- See transition section for details.
- STRING: The text to use in the popup. You can use some escape codes
from message box

You can add as many `<qPopups></qPopups>` as you would like. A random one will
be choosen at every interval.
## Transitions
Transition format:
- STARTFRAME: The frame to start this transition. In frames
- DURATION: The length of this transition. In frames
- TYPE: The type of transition, can be: slideUp, slideDown, fadeIn, fadeOut
- PARAM1: If type is slideUp or slideDown, this is the distance in pixels
to slide.
## Plugin Commands
qPopup start "STRING" [OPTIONS]
- STRING: What you want the popup to say. You can use some escape codes
from message box. To add a new line, use \n
- List of Options:
- idX: Set X to the id for this popup
- presetX: Set X to which styling preset id to use. Presets are configured
with other plugin commands
- xX: Set X to the x position of this popup. This is ignored if bindToX is
- yX: Set X to the y position of this popup. This is ignored if bindToX is
- oxX: Set X to the offset x position of this popup. Can be negative
- oyY: Set X to the offset x position of this popup. Can be negative
- bindToCHARAID: where CHARAID is the character for the popup to follow
CHARAID - The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID or this
- durationX: Set X to the duration of the popup
qPopup configStyle ID [OPTIONS]
- ID: The preset ID to apply this to. This is used for the presetX option
in the start command.
- List of Options:
- fontX: Set X to the name of the font to use. If font name has spaces
wrap the option in "". Ex "fontThis is the fontname"
- sizeX: Set X to the size of the font
- colorX: Set X to the hex color to use. Ex color#FF0000 is red font color.
- paddingX: Set X to the padding
- windowed: Include this and the popup will use the windowskin

Note: If the ID was previously setup, it will be replaced with the new config
qPopup configTransition ID [TRANSITION]
- ID: The preset ID to apply this to. This is used for the presetX option
in the start command.
- TRANSITION: A transition to add to this preset. See transition section
for info.

Note: If the ID was previously setup the transition will be added to it
## Links
Formated Help:




Terms of use:


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version 1.1.3
site https://quxios.github.io/
updateurl https://quxios.github.io/data/pluginsMin.json

requires QPlus

param Presets
desc List of Popup presets
type Struct<PopupPreset>[]
default []

tags map, popup
Terms of use:

紹介ページ https://github.com/quxios/QMV-ABS-Demo/blob/master/js/plugins/QPopup.js