リアルタイムの視線 – QSight.js

Real time line of sight
## About
This plugin lets you add real time line of sight to characters. A line of
sight is similar to a sensor plugin, except characters can't see behind
objects that block their view.

This plugin has built-in compatibilty for QMovement. When using QMovement
the line of sight will be more accurate since it'll use a shadow casting
algorithm. When not using QMovement it'll use a simple ray casting.
## How to use
Sight Notetag / Comment
To give an event sight, add a note or comment in the following format:
- SHAPE: box, circle or poly
- RANGE: How far the character can see, in grid spaces
- SWITCH: Which switch to toggle. Set to a number or A, B, C, D for self switch
- TARGET(Optional): Set to the CHARAID of who to look for. Default: 0
CHARAID - The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, or eventEVENTID (replace EVENTID with a number)

Note: Notes are applied to all the pages in the event, comments are page based.
Sight examples
Here's an example of a poly sight with a range of 6 and toggles self switch A

Here's an example of a circle sight with a range of 4 and toggles switch 1

Note: I left out TARGET because it defaults to player
## See through events/tiles
See through events
To make an event see through add the following note or comment:
Note: Notes are applied to all the pages in the event, comments are page based.
See through tiles
Set the tile's terrain id to the no shadow terrain id set in the plugin

When using QMovement and QM+RegionColliders, you can also create a RegionCollider
and add the following in the note:
## Plugin Commands
Check sight
Use this plugin command to manually check if a character can see another
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)
- SHAPE: box, circle or poly
- RANGE: How far the character can see, in grid spaces
- SWITCH: Which switch to toggle. Set to a number or A, B, C, D for self switch
- TARGETID: Set to the CHARAID of who to look for
Toggle charcter invisible
To make a character be invisible use the following
qSight CHARAID visible BOOL
- CHARAID: The character identifier.
- For player: 0, p, or player
- For events: EVENTID, eEVENTID, eventEVENTID or this for the event that called this
(replace EVENTID with a number)
- BOOL: Set this to true or false
## Links
Formated Help:




Terms of use:


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version 1.1.14
site https://quxios.github.io/
updateurl https://quxios.github.io/data/pluginsMin.json

requires QPlus

param See Through Terrain
desc Set this to a list of terrains that characters can see through
type Number[]
default []

param Show
desc Set this to true to show sight and shadows (For QMovement only)
When true, it will only appear during playtest
type boolean
on Show Sight
off Hide Sight
default false

tags character, sight, los
Terms of use:

紹介ページ https://github.com/quxios/QMV-ABS-Demo/blob/master/js/plugins/QSight.js