ほとんどのSRCrazyスクリプトに必要なプラグイン – SRCrazy_Core_v2.js

Required for most SRCrazy scripts
S_Rank_Crazy's Core Plugin
This plugin provides some useful functions to be used by other plugins or by
events (if applicable).

This plugin should be placed above most other SRCrazy plugins in the Plugin
Manager. If you're using the MVCommons or PluginManagement plugins then
any dependency issues will be output as errors when the game loads.

All SRCrazy plugins are rename safe - you can rename the file and it'll still
work. All parameters and commands are case-safe (no need to worry about
case-sensitive input) unless specifically stated. This doesn't include
Comment Tags or file names/paths; they are still case sensitive.

MVCommons supported but not required for use.


Free for commercial and non-commercial use. No credit need be given, but
always appreciated.

param Debug Plugins
desc Logs plugins registered via this plugin, MVCommons or similar convention to the javascrit console
default false

param Cache Event Commands
desc Caches event commands when queried, speeds up repeated retrieval processes
default true

No personal credit required, but always appreciated.
Free for personal and commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/agent-bizzle/rmmv-plugins/blob/master/src/SRCrazy_Core_v2.js