イベントの上にインジケータを表示するプラグイン – SRCrazy_EventIndicators.js

Displays indicators above events
param Disabled At Start
desc Disables event indicators when the game starts, can be enabled through plugin command
default false

param -- Icon Settings --
desc Parameters in this section relate to the graphic displayed

param Icon Filename
desc The filename of the icon set to use
default: IconSet
default IconSet

param Icon File Path
desc The path of the containing folder of the IconSet to use
default: system
default system

param Icon Width
desc The width of the icons being used
default: 32
default 32

param Icon Height
desc The height of the icons being used
default: 32
default 32

param -- Display Settings --
desc Parameters in this section relate to the general appearance

param Y Offset
desc The offset used to displaying icon above the event
default -38

param Opacity
desc Sets the alpha of the indicators
default 255

param Layer Order
desc Controls whether indicator appears over/under map objects
default 5

param Scale
desc Controls the scale of indicators
default: 1
default 1

param Hue
desc Applys a hue shift to the icon
default: 0
default 0

param -- Tween Settings --
desc Parameters in this section relate to tweenable properties

param Tween Position X
desc Properties for tweening indicator's x position
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Position Y
desc Properties for tweening indicator's y position
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Scale X
desc Properties for tweening indicator's scale on x-axis
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Scale Y
desc Properties for tweening indicator's scale on y-axis
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Opacity
desc Properties for tweening indicator's ocpacity
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Layer Order
desc Properties for tweening indicator's z position
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

param Tween Hue
desc Properties for tweening indicator's hue
(see help for more information)
default false 0 0 1

help============================================================================ S_Rank_Crazy's Event Indicators
This plugin adds functionality to display indicators above events, could be a
useful addition for a quest system to display an icon above the quest-giver,

Requires SRCrazy_Core plugin.

All SRCrazy plugins are rename safe - you can rename the file and it'll still
work. All parameters and commands are case-safe (no need to worry
about case-sensitive input) unless specifically stated. This doesn't include
Comment Tags or file names/paths; they are still case sensitive.


Show icons above events using comments
Supports multiple icons per map
Supports using any image file in the Project as a source for icons
Indicators customisable on a per event basis using comment tags
Indicators are managed/updated based on the event's current page

[NEW] Set hue of icons
[NEW] Tween options for position, scale, opacity and more!


If this plugin is active you can use the following commands:

SRCrazy_EventIndicators enable true/false [eventId]
Sets the visibility of all indicators directly. If eventId is set then
only that event is enabled/disabled.

NOTE: Using eventId overrides the global setting, i.e. enabling an event's
indicator will display it even if the global setting is set to disabled.

SRCrazy_EventIndicators toggle [eventId]
Toggles the visibility of all indicators. If eventId is set then
only that event is toggled.

NOTE: Using mass toggle uses the global enable flag used by the "enable"


The following tags can be used to customise an even's indicator icon. To use
add to a COMMENT in an event's page where you want those settings to be
applied, multiline comments are supported.


<eventIndicator: true/false>
Indicates whether an indicator should be added or removed for this event.

<eventIndicatorIcon: Number>
Sets the icon to use for the indicator.


<eventIndicatorOpacity: 0-255>
Overrides the plugin opacity value for this event's indicator.

<eventIndicatorLayerOrder: Number>
Overrides the plugin z ordering value for this event's indicator.

<eventIndicatorOffsetX: Number>
Overrides the plugin offset options and uses the specified value to
offset the indicator from the event position.

<eventIndicatorOffsetY: Number>
Overrides the plugin offset options and uses the specified value to
offset the indicator from the event position.

<eventIndicatorFile: String>
Overrides the plugin icon set and uses the specified file instead.

<eventIndicatorPath: String>
Overrides the plugin path to the icon set and uses the specified path
instead. Must be within the project's img folder.

<eventIndicatorWidth: Number>
Overrides the plugin setting and uses the specified width for event's

<eventIndicatorHeight: Number>
Overrides the plugin setting and uses the specified height for event's

<eventIndicatorHue: 0-360>
Overrides the plugin setting and uses the specified height for event's


Tween parameters are ordered as follows:

<propertyName: enabled startValue finalValue duration easing onComplete>

propertyName - Indicates which property of the Event Indicator is
being targeted by the tween.

enabled - Indicates if the tween is enabled on for this indicator.

startValue - The value the tween starts at.

finalValue - The value the tween will end on.

duration - The mount of time (in seconds) it takes to go from start to end.

easing - [optional] Name of easing function to use from
SRCrazy.Core.TweenEasing object. Uses linear function by default.


onComplete - [optional] Name of easing function to use from
SRCrazy.Core.TweenCompleteHandler object. Uses remove function by default.

<eventIndicatorTweenPosX: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenPosY: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenScaleX: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenScaleY: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenOpacity: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenLayer: true/false Number Number Number String String>

<eventIndicatorTweenHue: true/false Number Number Number String String>

No personal credit required, but always appreciated.
Free for personal and commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/agent-bizzle/rmmv-plugins/blob/master/legacy/SRCrazy_EventIndicators.js