タイトルシーンのロードプロセスに機能を追加するプラグイン – SRCrazy_TitleAddons.js

Adds some functionality to the title scene loading process.
param -- Skip Title Settings --
desc Parameters in this section relate to skipping the title scene on boot

param SkipTitle
desc Skips the title scene and loads a map on boot
NO - false YES - true
default false

param SkipMapId
desc ID of map to skip to if SkipTitle is true. If not set uses default starting map
default 1

param -- Intercept Settings --
desc Paramaters in this section relate to intercepting the title scene

param InterceptTitle
desc Intercepts all access to title scene and redirects elsewhere
NO - false YES - true
default false

param InterceptRedirect
desc Dictates where user is redirected to when intercepting title scene
none (default), map, scene
default map

param InterceptDestination
desc The ID of the map, name of the scene, etc...
defaul 1

param -- Exit Settings --
desc Paramaters in this section relate to exiting the game

param EnableExit
desc Adds exit option to title scene command window
NO - false YES - true
default false

param ExitText
desc Text to display for command option
default Quit

help============================================================================ S_Rank_Crazy's plugin to modify the title scene and boot process
This plugin adds some customisability to what happens when the game boots
and some functionality to the title scene.

Requires SRCrazy_Core plugin to use the Exit settings.

All SRCrazy plugins are rename safe - you can rename the file and it'll still
work. All parameters and commands are case-safe (no need to worry
about case-sensitive input) unless specifically stated. This doesn't include
Comment Tags; they are still case sensitive.

MVCommons supported but not required for use.


Bypass the Title scene and load a map instead
Override all access of the Title scene to rediect to:
- another scene
- a map (useful if you're using a map as a Title replacement)
Add an 'Exit' command to the Title scene command window

No personal credit required, but always appreciated.
Free for personal and commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/agent-bizzle/rmmv-plugins/blob/master/legacy/SRCrazy_TitleAddons.js