多くの人気ゲームのように、収容能力を制限するプラグイン – TheoLimitedInventory.js

Limits carrying capacity like in many popular games
This script allow you to limit your inventory by overall possesed
items instead of individual items.

Name the file of this plugin literally as

Notetags :
write down these notetags to the notebox in your database

<inv size: n>
Use this notetag where the n is a numeric value which is determine
the size of item. Use 0 for unlimited item. Only works for item
and equipment such as weapon or armor.

<inv plus: n>
Use this notetag to determine the additional avalaible free
inventory slot. This notetag avalaible for Actor, Class, Equip,
and States. If it's for actor, avalaible inventory slot will
increase when a new actor entered party. If it's for equip, the
avalaible slot will be increase if the certain equip is equipped.
And so do states.

This value can be changed by script call during the game. Just
check the script call instruction.

<inv minus: n>
Inverse of <inv plus>. It will decrease the avalaible inventory
slot. Should be self explanatory

> Make it more touch input friendly
> Add inventory slot eval formula
> Maybe, some compatibility patch

Terms of use :
Credit me, TheoAllen. You are free to edit this script by your own.
As long as you don't claim it yours. For commercial purpose, don't
forget to give me a free copy of the game.
param Preferences

param dynamic
parent Preferences
text Dynamic Slot
type boolean
default true
desc If set to true, then total avalaible inventory slot depends on actor, states, total party members, etc ...

param displayItem
parent Preferences
text Display Item Size
type boolean
default true
desc Diplay item size in item menu

param includeEquip
parent Preferences
text Include Equip
type boolean
default false
desc Total used inventory slot will also include actor equipment.

param drawTotalSize
parent Preferences
text Draw Total Size
type boolean
default true
desc If true, item size window will show total weight of specified item. 10 potions with 3 weight each = show 30 instead of 3

param forceGain
parent Preferences
text Force Gain Item
type boolean
default false
desc Force gain item even if inventory full. (Recommended to set some penalties if inventory is full)

param fullDisableDash
parent Preferences
text Disable Dash at Full
type boolean
default false
desc When the inventory is at full, disable dashing

param fullSlowDown
parent Preferences
text Slowdowns at full
type boolean
default false
desc When the inventory is at full, slow down the movement

param Numeric Setting

param defaultFree
parent Numeric Setting
text Default Free Slot
type number
default 20
desc Default free slot provided by each actor. If Dynamic slot set to false. It will be use this setting for the free slot

param nearMaxPercent
parent Numeric Setting
text Near Maximum Percentage
type number
default 25
desc Remain avalaible slot percentage to determine if the inventory is almost maxed out or not.

param nearMaxColor
parent Numeric Setting
text Near Maximum Color ID
type number
default 21
desc Color ID to draw the number

param commandSize
parent Numeric Setting
text Use Command Size
type number
default 340
desc The width of use item command window

param Vocab Settings

param invSlotVocab
parent Vocab Settings
text Inventory Slot
default Inventory:
desc Vocab for inventory

param invSizeVocab
parent Vocab Settings
text Size Vocab
default Size:
desc Vocab for Size

param slotShort
parent Vocab Settings
text Inventory Slot (Short)
default Inv:
desc Vocab for inventory (short)

param useVocab
parent Vocab Settings
text Use Vocab
default Use Item
desc Vocab for using an item

param discardVocab
parent Vocab Settings
text Discard Vocab
default Discard
desc Vocab for discarding an item

param cancelVocab
parent Vocab Settings
text Cancel Vocab
default Cancel
desc Vocab for canceling

Terms of Use
・All my plugins are free to use for non-commercial project.
・All my plugins requires you to give me a free copy of your game if used for commercial project.
・All my plugins are free to edit / repost of edit as long as you retain the credit to me
・If the terms is differ from this in what I've written in plugin description, refers to the plugin description.
・Credit goes by my name, TheoAllen.

紹介ページ https://github.com/theoallen/RMMV/blob/master/TheoLimitedInventory.js